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Happy Sweet 16 darling
Happy Sweet 16 darling
Happy Sweet 16 darling!! love, Dad

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yello_piggy yello_piggy
bigbuck bigbuck
L@rue L@rue
volkswes volkswes
I bet you really hated searching for a source to use for this
billtvshow billtvshow
Vlad Vlad
Nice work.
Denise Denise
woodie woodie
Very good idea!
bsoholic bsoholic
Seriously awesome!
hellraiser hellraiser
nice idea bro ;)
jerry717 jerry717
Ha! I gave each of my three daughters one for their 16th too. ;)
presunto presunto
Brazuca na area!!!
nancers nancers
When I made one of these, the stupid mods deleted it. ;)
talex talex
ha ha lol and perfectly done
dbbowling dbbowling
marcoballistic marcoballistic
lol Arc, watch everyone vote for the naked lady lol, luckily the chop is great too, nice one
kentq kentq
hmmmmm...another babe in chain mail vote
karell karell
ohhhh nice :>)
Kansas Kansas
Paul Von Stetina Paul Von Stetina
gets my vote, well done
blitzleo blitzleo
Hahah!! Cinto de castidade vote! ;)
Da_Dude Da_Dude
yummmy, good work
Alex Alex
Yeah but there was fictional pubic hairs hidden somewhere nancy... ;)
Gort Gort
that's great
NButler NButler
rashdog rashdog
hacky hacky
key please
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
DaVinci DaVinci
Lol, very nice idea and execution!
moosa moosa
Lrossa Lrossa
ReyRey ReyRey
Teriffic job Arc! Although the last time I had an entry with the underside of someones boobs it was removed. Good Luck.
vunt van pumununt vunt van pumununt
FUCKING PERFECT!!! (and the chastity belt is also pretty cool)
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
great image and very convincing PS-work. terrific job, arc.
Synthvet Synthvet
ReinMan ReinMan
What a concept! Put a Hot Babe in a post and I MUST VOTE FOR IT! ;)
RiccardoS RiccardoS
cafn8d cafn8d
And you said you "weren't in the mood" (to chop). ;)
Noti Noti
this is so cool
Heinlein Heinlein
DLowrie DLowrie
Micose Micose
supak0ma supak0ma
nice, must be a brazilian babe
seamusoisin seamusoisin
CarlC CarlC
This Wins!
Trann Trann
Titilation vote. Even reflections! I'm floored by this.
Cambria Cambria
Could have looked nice on a buff guy too
Persuader Persuader
wooooooohooooooooooooooooooooo!!! EXCELLENT WORK and hot hot darling =)
mikey mikey
Creative thinking! well done ~ now go vote and encourage others! ~
claudiolky claudiolky
conheço um chaveiro que abre isso rapidinho!!!!!
wendysmurfie wendysmurfie
Hot babe vote!! ..... oh... did i just said that??
flyman flyman
hey i did the rusty version few years back:, good job
Serps Serps
jefflang007 jefflang007
very well executed. noice
Lord David Lord David
This is great!!!!
Bic9000 Bic9000
Up a bit, up a bit (damn)
betdoval betdoval
saint tropez will be ;) tahpodendoheim?
Krank Krank
blue_lurker blue_lurker
Wonder if he protected the rear...what...oh come you guys did not think of that...geez...last time I think aloud...
sage sage
Meeshoo Klan Meeshoo Klan
just great
Elena Elena
deshone deshone
Digitizer Digitizer
bluefist bluefist
boorboolini boorboolini
leif leif
Tijn Tijn
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
I thought of this and I'm glad I didn't do it as this would've kicked my versions ass all the way home. Great job arc. Bud: how would a CT show in metal? Da Dude: EWWWWW!
mightybeet mightybeet
*shakes fist* rrrrrr
rockprinzess rockprinzess
anfa anfa
Hahaha, great! :D
Wett Wett
subtle ;)
Caldera Caldera
As the father of 18 and 14 year old daughters, I salute you :-D
Showcase Showcase
Roppa Roppa
haha got to get my daughter some of theses when she turns 16
nav nav
the202 the202
xovlov xovlov
makes me want to be a locksmith
ScionShade ScionShade
Mucha Lucha!
delucx delucx
16ozBud 16ozBud
Claf Claf
Cool! Great! :)


hellraiser hellraiser
I have the key!!!!
arcaico arcaico
you keep it untl she's 21, or you'll experience a slow and painful death brother! ;)
arcaico arcaico
lol caf... ya know how "inspiring" some sources may be...
volkswes volkswes
I might have to try to recreate this for myself.......really I just want to look for sources
arcaico arcaico
pm me yer email and I send ya the full set when I get home wes... around 30 pics I guess... hard to choose though... ;)
16ozBud 16ozBud
No camel toe = no vote, sorry
Trann Trann
Um... meant to saw "even shadows". D'oh.
Trann Trann
Um... "say!" I'm outta here...
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
this will end up as your all-time high vote-getter.
gaza gaza
awesome stuff. By the way: Your new girlfriend?
Da_Dude Da_Dude
Imagine what it smells like when you come back from war, opening it after a year of fighting and having to cope with 12 sticky menstrual cycles stuck in the inside of that chastitybelt. I'd rather get some eunuchs to protect my queen next time.
TheShaman TheShaman
great idea arc, but dont you think that if youre going to make her wear a C-Belt, you should make her put a top on too? out of votes, not that you need another.
arcaico arcaico
Sean, nobody loses virginity, gets pregnant neither acquire STDs through the breasts... I think she´s safe without a top...
TheShaman TheShaman
lol ok shes your kid
1337hax0r 1337hax0r
something about the shadow by her crotch doesn't quite fit
nancers nancers
:sigh: This is why Ed209 said I'm the housemother of a frat house. Nice job Arcaico! (despite all the lame comments.)
mightybeet mightybeet
can ya stick magnets to it?
arcaico arcaico
she'll have troubles in the airport... oh well...
mightybeet mightybeet
what happens when ya turn the microwave on?
arcaico arcaico
Why would I put her inside a microwave beet??? *presses the red button #1*
mightybeet mightybeet
not in...near
arcaico arcaico
just tried... nothing happened beet...
qqqqq qqqqq
HA i was i was here to vote for this earlier
urmom urmom
while trying to make this picture...did you have minor set getting the tissue box and=======>~~~~
MeikOn3 MeikOn3
great idea..this is funny
glennhanna glennhanna
Do they make these for 13 year olds?

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 Happy Sweet 16 darling
by arcaico
Created February 21, 2006
84 votes   26 comments
516w x 600h (107KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  3
execution  17
humor  4
idea  10
theme  3

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