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09 Dec 2007

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Advantage Member: No
Entries Posted: 116
Total Votes: 2,248
Votes Per Post: 19.38
Contest Wins: 26
Second Place: 8
Third Place: 7
Fourth Place: 7
Fifth Place: 7
Win Percentage: 22.4%
Rank Per Post: 67.65%
PSCore: 69.09
Contest Entry Portfolio

Flooded Ferry *UPD*

After 7 Beer *UPD*

Think Green

The Optimist

Sea Art Gallery
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Sh!Za's Favorite Entries


by Daenerys

by the burning couch

by photoshopmaster jr

by nat_g31
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Extended User Profile
Favorite Quote:
Who wants to interest, must provoke! - Salvador Dali

Favorite Movie:
In Bruges, Snatch, Gran Torino

Favorite Book:
Songbooks :)

Favorite Bands:
Raconteurs, Sparklehorse, Radiohead

Favorite Songs:
Handlebars by Flobots - brilliant!

Favorite Photoshop Tool:
Called as a well-known english band!

How did you get your PSC nickname?
In Germany people, who have fear to do something strange are called "Schisser". So because I'm a big fan of self-irony, I changed my name to "Sh!Za"! Sounds more secular :D

What is your real name and age?
Marius, 20 ;)

Where are you from and what do you like best about being there?
Mmhh... the best bout being here... mabye to be fast in the netherlands :D

What do you do to keep the bills paid?
I send them to Bill Gates. What else?

What do you do in your spare time?
Write songs, show them to my band, play them on gigs, record them and to visit the netherlands!

How did you find PSC, and what do you like most about the site?
I wanted be better on Photoshop, so I was looking for a site, that helps me. I like most about the site the community, constructive criticism and the good organisation!

If you could change one thing at PSC, what would it be and why?
I have just one thing, because in my opinion this site is almost perfect! I would make more events, without events it can be boring and so the site could lose good members, entries and votes.

Is there any other information about you would like to pass on?
Yes, I wonder why the quality from 2008 to 2010 has decreased so much?!

How many hours per week do you spend on PSC?
Differnent... I Usually spend between 2 and 6 hours on one entry.

What other sites, not Photoshop related, do you like to surf?
Ultimate Guitar for tabs, Ebay for money and You Tube... no idea ;)

What tools do you use to chop?
My brain.

What gets your creative juices flowing, how do you create a masterpiece?
Hours of brainstorming, hundreds rows of syntactic, precise layout and a execution, that takes day/night! Okay... that's an exaggeration! I just ask Rey if he makes me one ;)

What inspires you?
Things in my surroundings, interests and different artists, like Dali, Magritte, Klein... and so on....

Do you have a system? Does a chop have to be done a certain way following steps or are you a messy chopper and just go with the flow?
Mostly my chops have a system! Usually i start to cut out the elements from source I need for my chop and make a clean up. Then I try to execute my idea with this elements. Finaly I add some details, like shadows or light effects!

What style of chop do you prefer to create?
My favourite style is surrealism. Because in my spare time I paint a lot surrealistic canvases. But I'm open to new things, too. At the moment I like doing all source chops!

Filters, brushes and techniques: Which do you use, and not use, and why?
I often use Filters for blur and lights, because they make a work realistic! But I'm not a fan of brushes, because mostly you see them!

When do you know that you have it just right, or is it constant changes up until, or after, you post?
Normaly a chop is right, when I uploaded it. But sometimes you make mistakes, so that you have to edit it!

What is the limit to what you will chop?
I love dark humor, bloody scenes and irony, but i will never chop something racist or offensive!!!

Are there any tips and/or tricks that you would like to pass along to less experienced choppers?
Take criticism to heart! Everyone was a beginner once and everyone can make it! ;)

What is your favorite type of source image, and why?
Difficult source image... I like the challenge!

There is often talk about how the source is used and to what extent it should be. What are your views on all sources, outside source use and animations?
It depends on how well is the idea! Some ideas can be executed with a all-source chop and others need outside sources :) Usually all source chops are more difficult, because you have to create elements only with the help of PS!!!

What is your preferred resource for outside source images?
My external hard drive.

In your opinion what makes a good chop?
The idea and how you execute it.

Do you have a system to get things started?
MUSIC is very important! And to be on your own!

Have you ever completed a chop and then decided not to enter it in the contest? If so, why?
Frequently! I see, wich chops are good enough :|

After you finish your chop do you just post it or seek opinions of family and/or fellow choppers first?
No! I post it... then... and then comes the criticism!!! This way you will learn more ;)

If some one finds a fault in your work do you change it or stay with what you posted?

What qualities do you look for when deciding to vote on a chop?
The first moment determines!

Some member prefer not to vote for filtered chops or animations. Is there any particular style/type of chop you won't vote for?
I just think the experimental chops are important. They bring life into a contest!

Time is always a factor, how much time do you spend on a chop and how much time is too much?
I cant spend a whole day on one chop! if I have such a great job before me, I distribute the time on several days...

We all love to get votes. Now are you a constant vote checker or do you just let it go and check once a day? (be honest)
I like it better to get more votes at a time, so mostly I let it go and check once a day.

What chop of yours did not do as well as you expected?

What do you consider your best chop so far?
After 7 Beer.

What do you consider your worst chop so far?

Who is your favorite chopper out there and why?
Very difficult to say... In my opinion BC and Starman, because they are two of few, who always remain faithful to their style!

What do you NOT like to see in a chop, and why not?

What is the best chop of all time?
More difficult to say... I believe it doesnt exist THE greatest chop of all time! But I know you want a name... so i say "Blinded" by ReyRey!!! I have no words for this :D

Do you have any other PSC related comments to add?
I join Tesore's answer: "Stop those stupid questions! ;-)"

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