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Location: Israel>Vancouver
Sat Nov 08, 2008 8:21 am Reply with quote
ok, so the school year started and i need your help again with an assignment.
i'm trying to make tongues. in the end it's going to be a 10 sec animation (2D) but right now i just need to get the material/texture right. so i really need some tips on making something in ps that gives the feel of a slimy tongue with saliva dripping...
this is my reference pic
any help will be appreciated 
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Sat Nov 08, 2008 9:39 am Reply with quote
A bit more highlight where the tongue is very wet...use the dodge tool...?
Location: In a world of $#!t
Sat Nov 08, 2008 11:52 am Reply with quote
A tongue is a natural thing. Most stuff in nature is random. Your highlights are too perfect. Looks like marble. You need to randomize and break up the highlights and change up colors. I worked on one of the tongues a bit.
I create different brushes for textures like that.
This one looked like this.
Good example
_________________ I try to think, but nothing happens. rock!! Wherever you are.
I keep checking the obituaries to see if my name is there. If it's not, then I figure I'm ok.
Location: Israel>Vancouver
Sun Nov 09, 2008 3:56 am Reply with quote
that's brilliant reyrey
now you have to tell me how you made that brush...
just to clarify, i didn't make the pic i posted, i just used it for reference...
Location: Back where I belong.
Sun Nov 09, 2008 11:30 am Reply with quote
Popped in during a free 10 minutes and saw this post about tonguing so naturally it caught my eye.  Then I thought "Waitaminute. I thought Rey was brokened and couldn't use Photoshop?"
ReyRey wrote: A tongue is a natural thing. Most stuff in nature is random. Your highlights are too perfect. Looks like marble. You need to randomize and break up the highlights and change up colors. I worked on one of the tongues a bit.
I create different brushes for textures like that.
This one looked like this.
Good example
_________________ Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey
Sun Nov 09, 2008 1:02 pm Reply with quote
ReyRey adapted his other hand nicely into the chopping tool for the time being.... 
Location: In a world of $#!t
Sun Nov 09, 2008 1:34 pm Reply with quote
I am getting a lot of motion back in my fingers. I can chop now. It is uncomfortable and sloppy but, I can do it. 
_________________ I try to think, but nothing happens. rock!! Wherever you are.
I keep checking the obituaries to see if my name is there. If it's not, then I figure I'm ok.
Location: Israel>Vancouver
Tue Nov 11, 2008 7:20 am Reply with quote
this took me about an hour, and it doesn't look that good....
10 seconds of animation would take me forever 
Location: Anywhere but where I am.
Tue Nov 11, 2008 5:53 pm Reply with quote
nevet wrote:
this took me about an hour, and it doesn't look that good....
10 seconds of animation would take me forever 
yes but thats a good start.... Tell me if you think this helps, just a quick adjustment with a couple of filters.
Location: Israel>Vancouver
Tue Nov 25, 2008 4:23 am Reply with quote
ok so it's finished... i'm not really happy with the end result (mostly of the animation part) but that's the best i could do....
anyways, for some reason i had trouble exporting the movie to avi (from flash) so i only have it in swf format... and i can't upload it to all the photobucket/youtube sites...
so if anyone is interested i got it on
and thanks to everyone that helped 
Location: Australia
Tue Nov 25, 2008 4:50 am Reply with quote
aargh. 6mb of gibberish.
That's a .exe file you posted, not a swf or avi at all...
Here's what I got.
MZêˇˇ∏∫∏LÕ!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.
... etc etc etc
Location: Israel>Vancouver
Tue Nov 25, 2008 5:19 am Reply with quote
there's an option to export from flash an exe file (so you don't need flash player installed)...
i think it doesn't work on mac....
i'll try to find the swf file when i get home... sorry...
Location: In a world of $#!t
Tue Nov 25, 2008 9:31 am Reply with quote
Mac here.
_________________ I try to think, but nothing happens. rock!! Wherever you are.
I keep checking the obituaries to see if my name is there. If it's not, then I figure I'm ok.
Location: Back where I belong.
Tue Nov 25, 2008 10:02 am Reply with quote
ReyRey wrote: Mac here. Hi Mac. Call me Roy.
The video plays for me. Nice wiggly tongue action.
Is that your name at the end? Looks like it's made out of the tongues. Cool!
_________________ Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey
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