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Location: Orange County, CA
Wed May 31, 2006 2:06 am Reply with quote
I have the most annoying problem with photoshop. My tools such as the pen, eraser, smudge, brush (everything) turn into a little pixel with dots around it no matter what size i make the tool, so i can't see how big it is. for example, if i pick a brush, it just shows a little pixel with dots around it so i can't see how big the brush is until i draw. this makes it almost impossible to use the tools! does anybody know why the tools go to this view?
Location: SoCal
Wed May 31, 2006 2:08 am Reply with quote
olvidame wrote: I have the most annoying problem with photoshop. My tools such as the pen, eraser, smudge, brush (everything) turn into a little pixel with dots around it no matter what size i make the tool, so i can't see how big it is. for example, if i pick a brush, it just shows a little pixel with dots around it so i can't see how big the brush is until i draw. this makes it almost impossible to use the tools! does anybody know why the tools go to this view?
Make sure your cap lock is off. If it's on it will do that to your tool cursor. I beat my head against the wall for a week and then I RTFM!!!!!
Location: Orange County, CA
Wed May 31, 2006 2:17 am Reply with quote
holy crap grampZ, that is it!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you so much. how annoying. i was going crazy.
Location: SoCal
Wed May 31, 2006 2:23 am Reply with quote
olvidame wrote: holy crap grampZ, that is it!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you so much. how annoying. i was going crazy.
There's all kinds of wicked cool shortcuts and tricks. I have stumbled across a few but there are plenty I'm sure i have no clue about yet. The Alt, Ctl, and shift all do interesting things to your tools and functions as well.
Location: Yorkshire,
Wed May 31, 2006 7:39 am Reply with quote
ah! the good old CAP LOCK TRAP, hands up if you never fell for that one, i know i fell for it.
i have another one for you, normaly my scroll wheel will move my page up and down, but very occasionaly it will move the page left to right, i never did work that one out 
Location: Livonia, Michigan
Wed May 31, 2006 9:48 am Reply with quote
olvidame wrote: I have the most annoying problem with photoshop. My tools such as the pen, eraser, smudge, brush (everything) turn into a little pixel with dots around it no matter what size i make the tool, so i can't see how big it is. for example, if i pick a brush, it just shows a little pixel with dots around it so i can't see how big the brush is until i draw. this makes it almost impossible to use the tools! does anybody know why the tools go to this view?
This is also a preference setting under the heading: "display and cursors" You can set your tools to act or display as you wish and then using the caps lock key will set them to the opposite way. It just depends on what you set as default in the preferences pane as to how the caps lock key will effect the perameters of the tool in use.
_________________ Contemplate this on the tree of woe. -Thulsa Doom
Wed May 31, 2006 9:53 am Reply with quote
splodge wrote: ah! the good old CAP LOCK TRAP, hands up if you never fell for that one, i know i fell for it.
i have another one for you, normaly my scroll wheel will move my page up and down, but very occasionaly it will move the page left to right, i never did work that one out 
does your scroll wheel double as a button? If it does, and you click it, it switches over to horizontal scroll. Click it again, and walah, it's back to vertical. I don't think that's your problem though, I'm sure you could've figured that out.
_________________ "Recently, NASA scientists discovered that most people love to play video games but hate to die in fiery airplane crashes."
Location: Yorkshire,
Wed May 31, 2006 10:26 am Reply with quote
I'v tryed that mason, it dont work, even if i wanted it to scroll left to right i cant make it happen, it just does it when it wants 
Location: Back where I belong.
Wed May 31, 2006 10:49 am Reply with quote
splodge wrote: I'v tryed that mason, it dont work, even if i wanted it to scroll left to right i cant make it happen, it just does it when it wants 
Turn your head sideways and voila! Vertical scroll again!
Seriously, are you on a PC? I know that some mouse drivers will auto switch to horizontal control when the pointer is on a horizontal scroll bar (or even at the bottom of the screen). Any chance that's happening?
_________________ Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey
Wed May 31, 2006 11:58 am Reply with quote
maybe you're holding your mouse sideways...  That's strange, but that's what computers are for, right? Doing stupid, random things!
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Location: Planet Earth
Wed May 31, 2006 12:16 pm Reply with quote
Location: Livonia, Michigan
Wed May 31, 2006 12:59 pm Reply with quote
The settings have been changed in the brush control pallette. You can change them back by clicking the arrow on the pallette to activate the drop down menu. Then make sure that "expanded view" is checked and also make sure that "stroke thumbnail" is checked. That should fix your problem.
THe pallette should look like this:
_________________ Contemplate this on the tree of woe. -Thulsa Doom
Wed May 31, 2006 1:03 pm Reply with quote
lol that sucks, Eve! That's even worse than having to scroll through every font in a word processor until you find the one you like.
_________________ "Recently, NASA scientists discovered that most people love to play video games but hate to die in fiery airplane crashes."
Location: Livonia, Michigan
Wed May 31, 2006 1:07 pm Reply with quote
mason4300 wrote: lol that sucks, Eve! That's even worse than having to scroll through every font in a word processor until you find the one you like.
Ha!...Obviously you've never heard of font manager software. 
_________________ Contemplate this on the tree of woe. -Thulsa Doom
Location: Australia
Wed May 31, 2006 1:11 pm Reply with quote
I hate the dam caps lock thingy gets me every time Im drunk or drugged or both... 
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