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Location: Near London
Thu Apr 19, 2007 3:03 pm Reply with quote
Hi could someone please direct me to a tutorial or some info into how to do such good perspective changes such as this one:
Its something that ive needed to do to many renders but i can never get it right.
Also what are you guy susing to make the gifs, image ready? becuse the only way i know how to do it in there would take waaaaaay to long for these images... some gif tutorials would be much appreciated too. (I have flash 8 and image ready although have never used flash for animation only vector art...)
all help is greatly appreciated
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Thu Apr 19, 2007 3:12 pm Reply with quote
can't help with the perspective thing. but gifs I am good at.
I use photoshop to construct my layers, then bring everything into ImageReady for the animation frames.
PM me if you ever get stuck.
Thu Apr 19, 2007 3:13 pm Reply with quote
Re: Perspective change
Practice, practice, practice.
Re: Gifs
Ask Shaman. He's keen on sweet giffy magic.
Edit: Shaman already replied...nevermind.

Thu Apr 19, 2007 3:24 pm Reply with quote
i suck in gifs
and for the rest do what dp said, practice...
edit: hmm.. I might have not answered your question... , great help i am 
_________________ I used to do stuff around here
Location: The United Kingdom!
Thu Apr 19, 2007 3:47 pm Reply with quote
perspecitve changes.. you need to think bout what parts are not seen... needs a bit of visualisation...
as for gifs.. imageready can tween...
just dont foregt your filesizes...
also don't change the content of a layer becuase that will change all frames.
frame 1 has priority. hide or move somthing on frame 1 and they will move on all...
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Thu Apr 19, 2007 3:59 pm Reply with quote
sound advice from the marxman. also if you go back and add anything, it will show on all frames, sometimes a bugger to get it back the way you want it.
just try to make sure you have everything good to go to begin with. my advice, create two separate files, one just a regular whatever.psd the other name whatevergif.psd... work on the gif.psd in Imageready. but if for some reason you need to fix something, go back to the regular whatever.psd in photoshop then save it and re-save as whatevergif1.psd. It will cause less stress and headaches trust me.
anytime you can desaturate your colors do so. that will help you with the file size issues.
also remember gifs have to be 500 x 350 or 550 x 450 or a combo of what ever in between 500 x 450
they have to conform to that standard though, anything larger or smaller will not load. you can always get around this with a white or black background though.
check out my portfolio for examples of some of the gifs I've done in the past if you wanna. 9/10 of them are named something.gif
good luck!
Location: The United Kingdom!
Thu Apr 19, 2007 4:11 pm Reply with quote
Ok i am back...
Adding a new layer will be visible on all frames.. so go to frame 1 and make a new layer. Hide it and keep it..
then when ever you want a new layer just duplicate the blank one..
Saves a bit of time back ward and forwarding.
Also multiple tweening...
this is like having one timeline frame... so if your tween looks like this... (numbers in order of how you tween...)
3 2 1 2 1 3
You won see anyhing of 2 or 1 as tween 3 tweened over them...
If you want a constant background then tween that first... then tween your character movment..
1 2 2 3 3 4 4 1
this way the background remians constant.
Also adding masks can undo tweening dont add masks after tweening.
Location: In a world of $#!t
Thu Apr 19, 2007 4:52 pm Reply with quote
heamburger wrote: Hi could someone please direct me to a tutorial or some info into how to do such good perspective changes such as this one:
Its something that ive needed to do to many renders but i can never get it right.
Also what are you guy susing to make the gifs, image ready? becuse the only way i know how to do it in there would take waaaaaay to long for these images... some gif tutorials would be much appreciated too. (I have flash 8 and image ready although have never used flash for animation only vector art...)
all help is greatly appreciated
Take art lessons. 
Location: Somerville MA
Thu Apr 19, 2007 5:23 pm Reply with quote
Free transforming as smart object, warping, shear, visualization with some imagination, and a dash of integration. that could get you on your way, and lots of study! 
Location: Near London
Thu Apr 19, 2007 6:08 pm Reply with quote
Perspective changes : Practice practice practice.
Ill give it a go!
GIFs im still confused. say i wanted to make a ball bounce up then down would do somthing like this:
Paint ya gotta love it 
Thu Apr 19, 2007 6:15 pm Reply with quote
Keep in mind that you need to start out with a good image to begin with. Photoshop's perspective tool isn't magic. It can't make up what isn't there. You'll need to visualize what it's suppose to look like then digitally add it in or hide it somehow. Also, depending on how much you need to change the perpsective you might want to upsample the image first to avoid having it turn out rezzy.
Location: East Coast!
Thu Apr 19, 2007 11:09 pm Reply with quote
I just unclick New layers visible in all frames
Thats a lot easier.
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Fri Apr 20, 2007 7:25 am Reply with quote
Marx you didn't have to make that so difficult...  typical
have each thing you want to 'move' be on a separate layer in photoshop.
then like FootFungas said, you make visible the layers you wish to move. and you can even move them around on the layer. Marx is right though if you move frame 1 the rest will move. so be sure that you make a new frame before you move something.
while doing the 'tweens' is cool, and helps with transition, if you do them, it will cost you file size. A LOT. thats great when you DON'T have restrictions like 512k file sizes here.
Like I said, if you dive into making gifs or if anyone wants to learn or needs help. I'm always available during the week. 7am - 4pm CST. PM me
two of my gifs
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