Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Ask the Experts - NEED HELP ON HOW 2 MAKE HORNS COMING OUT OF SKIN - Reply to topic
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Location: Anywhere but where I am.
Tue Apr 29, 2008 5:53 pm Reply with quote
i can help i guess ill make a quick one
Location: Funky Town Tx 817
Tue Apr 29, 2008 5:55 pm Reply with quote
rockyjob wrote: i can help i guess ill make a quick one
thank you. I been experimenting with different thangs but just aint working for me. I want it 2 look realistic but dont like 2 use other pictures. Im trying 2 improve on making stuff from scratch
Location: Croatia
Tue Apr 29, 2008 6:19 pm Reply with quote
Take a look at ReyReys picture here:
He shared his PSD so you can analyze it a little.
In my opinion the main thing for it to look realistic is to keep in mind that the horn sticks out of the skin, so the shadows and highlights around it should be adjusted, so that it looks like its pushing the skin upwards from the direction that its growing from... Also, dont forget the little shadow and/or highlight on the skin where it meets the horn...
Basicly, look at your teeth, its allmost the same thing 
hzgvbzl v ,.,.gfdh.hdl,msdfh.,spš66s,.r6,žw6šsl
Location: Funky Town Tx 817
Tue Apr 29, 2008 6:24 pm Reply with quote
podgorski wrote: Take a look at ReyReys picture here:
He shared his PSD so you can analyze it a little.
In my opinion the main thing for it to look realistic is to keep in mind that the horn sticks out of the skin, so the shadows and highlights around it should be adjusted, so that it looks like its pushing the skin upwards from the direction that its growing from... Also, dont forget the little shadow and/or highlight on the skin where it meets the horn...
Basicly, look at your teeth, its allmost the same thing 
That looks so nasty, but yes thats EXACTLY what I needed. I've never tried adding horns before. Where do I download his PSD file at? Im new to this site (2days like my 2nd or 3rd day) & still getting 2 know whats what on here. but THANK YOU that like REALLY helped out.
Location: Funky Town Tx 817
Tue Apr 29, 2008 6:32 pm Reply with quote
rockyjob wrote:
no where near good or realistic, very quick, tomorrow ill make another one except ill have way more time, pod explained it very well and ill make a tutorial later if that helps
EXACTLY how Im trying 2 do it. thanks for taking the time 2 do this. and yeah a tutorial would help SOOO much. I couldnt find any ANYWHERE.
Location: Funky Town Tx 817
Tue Apr 29, 2008 6:38 pm Reply with quote
podgorski wrote:
thanks. I seen that but didnt know what it was so didnt mess with it lol.
Location: Quebec (CAN) & France
Tue Apr 29, 2008 7:28 pm Reply with quote
i just played with the final result....add some new lightenings and stuff
Location: Funky Town Tx 817
Tue Apr 29, 2008 7:28 pm Reply with quote
Micose wrote:
Dawg thats crazy. Really helps out alot. seeing Step-by-steps help out so much. I love the way the texture of it came out mos def. lol Ima have 2 go and do this like RIGHT now lol. appreciate it so much.
Location: Quebec (CAN) & France
Tue Apr 29, 2008 7:32 pm Reply with quote
so now u have the .psd of ReyRey, and this homemade tutorial i quickly did today...ull be the pro of horns soon! thx for trusting our little communauty and why not posting in contests (am I doing some sorta of promotion of this site really? I should stfu , im a terrible vendor... 
Location: Funky Town Tx 817
Tue Apr 29, 2008 7:33 pm Reply with quote
Micose wrote:
i just played with the final result....add some new lightenings and stuff
Im literally speechless. Im surprised thats STILL some of my image lol. wow Im feel like Im JUST beginning compared 2 u & others Ive seen. Anythang I can do 2 repay u (yall) for the help just let me know & I'll try. Ay is there any way 2 add people as friends on here? If u wouldnt mind Id like 2 add u so maybe I could learn a thang or 2 when u have time
Location: Funky Town Tx 817
Tue Apr 29, 2008 7:44 pm Reply with quote
Micose wrote: so now u have the .psd of ReyRey, and this homemade tutorial i quickly did today...ull be the pro of horns soon! thx for trusting our little communauty and why not posting in contests (am I doing some sorta of promotion of this site really? I should stfu , im a terrible vendor... 
haha lol. making it sound like a movie or somethang lol "psd of reyrey, & homemade tutorial" (<<< sword of some guy & book of whatever is what it sounds like lol). Im currently working on this image for a contest on this other website, but only because they are offering the Fluid Mask 3 as one the prizes (which Im trying my hardest 2 win but will probably be showed up at the very last minute by some professional). Im trying 2 figure out how yalls contests work at the moment. Me not being an advantage member I would only have like 3 days 2 make something & Im not that good with speed yet (starting college this summer for Graphic Design). Dont worry I wont use any of what u did for the image (or from ReyRey's file) . I want 2 improve myself, not steal from others and theres only one way of doing that, which is by learning from others & testing it out. besides horns are in the wrong spot lol (not that Im arguing though lol). Thanks again and hope 2 get aas good as u one of these days mos def.
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