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Wed Jun 25, 2008 8:24 am Reply with quote
after confusion about my previous request i found out the name of what i wanted to make....'e-shots'
i want to make things like this, as it's what i've been requested to make. it just sits in the body of an email, like a little newsletter thing, with the option of clicking a url to see it in another window (like that). In essence i can make this in photoshop, using slicing etc...BUT...and this is what i want to make clear...for me to do this properly, ie: to make my pics used show, instead of just the urls i need to have access to their web server thing? or is there another way? Everyone has been helpful so far and i don't want to be ungreatful...but i think there were a few mix ups about what i was asking for help with? so...finally i found an example of what i mean, so i hope that helps?? coz for me to do this, i cant save it in photobucket etc coz it doesnt upload sliced photoshop is the final answer to access their server and save the pics i need onto there?
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Wed Jun 25, 2008 9:23 am Reply with quote
To my knowledge, you need to make sure you have all your images uploaded in one folder to a web server...You will probably need something like an ftp address to access the files on such a server (for uploading or downloading). For example, for my server hosted by another company at I have to access the files on the server using an ftp. link provided by said company, incl login/pw etc.
Then, to upload/download stuff I use the freeware programme Cyberduck...
Am guessing (tho have never had to create an e-shot) that you then create your html file in Dreamweaver or whatever. As a single page the html file will be called index.html (standard name - what every web server recognises as the first page of a site).
Hope this helps a bit...
Wed Jun 25, 2008 9:32 am Reply with quote
yea helps a bit, seems i can't find out if the various bits of advice work until they give me access to their server, so will wait for them to set it all up properly then give it a go!!
Location: Yorkshire,
Wed Jun 25, 2008 9:35 am Reply with quote
that is a web page, not a mail-shot
this is all your customers will see in msn, and many other mail hosts
Attachments, pictures, and links in this message have been blocked for your safety. Show content
You may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as unsafe
if thay know your name and "mark as safe"
then they will see the full message
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Wed Jun 25, 2008 9:36 am Reply with quote
felloutthesky wrote: yea helps a bit, seems i can't find out if the various bits of advice work until they give me access to their server, so will wait for them to set it all up properly then give it a go!!
From what I understand from companies I've worked with who have done eshots, they tend to pay a kind of distribution company to email their database...I don't know how easy it is to set up for an individual.
Good luck!
Wed Jun 25, 2008 9:47 am Reply with quote
mellowdesign wrote: From what I understand from companies I've worked with who have done eshots, they tend to pay a kind of distribution company to email their database...I don't know how easy it is to set up for an individual.
Good luck!
well i'm doing it FOR a company so it's upto them to sort out the distribution, they just want me to design it lol  thanks again
Location: Yorkshire,
Wed Jun 25, 2008 9:55 am Reply with quote
you design it in photoshop, send me the .psd with no funky .html stuff and i'll convert it to .html in dreamweaver and send it back, the company can host it as a web page or try to send it out as a mail-shot
Wed Jun 25, 2008 10:03 am Reply with quote
splodge wrote: you design it in photoshop, send me the .psd with no funky .html stuff and i'll convert it to .html in dreamweaver and send it back, the company can host it as a web page or try to send it out as a mail-shot
wow what an offer, that's so nice of you...but if i get you to do that then how do i learn how to do it myself? is it hard to do in dreamweaver? where can i get a copy of it? is it easy to use, or will it confuse my simple mind? lol 
Location: Yorkshire,
Wed Jun 25, 2008 10:11 am Reply with quote
dreamweaver is quite expencive and very hard to learn to use properly, i'm no expert, but if some sends me the text, pictures, a design and any link addresses i can made a page in 10 minutes, with dreamweaver it's all copy and past once you know what you are doing
Wed Jun 25, 2008 10:17 am Reply with quote
splodge wrote: dreamweaver is quite expencive
is there any other way of doing it myself without dreamweaver?
Location: Yorkshire,
Wed Jun 25, 2008 10:40 am Reply with quote
note pad, don't laugh, i built my first site in note pad,
i really don't know the capabilities of PS when it comes to .html, i'm a pure dreamweaver man now, i dont like to mix code from word, PS, flash, imageready ect, crazy stuff starts to happen when you do
Location: Photoshop Nation
Wed Jun 25, 2008 10:52 am Reply with quote
yea, i use pspad, thats it. ditched dreamweaver at version MX
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