mellowdesign wrote:
Tawiskaro wrote:
Cool! I didn't know flicker could be used for commercial stuff! Ya learn sommat new every day!
Yep I've used to search flikr for free images.
I'll have to look at the sites you mentioned previously.
I should also clarify that I'm not trying to get people to find photos for me but merely trying to find out tips and tricks for searching stock photo sites. Also to find out if the experts consider one stock site better than another stock site.
I've found a BUNCH of so-so photos for the theme we're going to try to present (a general lifestyle). So I have seen lots of images for grandparents baking and/or spending time with grandchildren, people canoeing, people fishing from a lake/river/stream, etc., etc. The baking thing was just an example.
The problem I've got is that all the photos don't really match the general theme we're hunting down. I've got to find roughly 15-20 photos (in different categories) to mix with images of our log homes. Corbis had some nice images but
they want $1,000(US) per image and that's only good for a certain licensing period. That would mean a Corbis-route would be $15-20K.

Not an option for us.
So, short story long, what I'm really looking for from the experts is what royalty-free stock sites they like to use. Not looking for someone to find photos for me (although I DO appreciate the effort).
Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey