I've gone through a Spyder 2 and now use the Spyder 3 system. You should be able to get the 2's of the net pretty cheap ($50 or less).
I keep my Spyder 2 around and jam it into my computer bag if I'm off to some clients that I'll be doing some work for ... nothing worse than working on your own HAPPY MONITOR and knowing they are looking at it at their end on their Pooptastic monitors.
The Spyder 3 is much faster than the 2 and LOOKS WAY COOLER hanging off your monitor!
You GOTTA use a calibrator thang (ColorMunki, eyeOne, Spyder, WHATEVER) if you are making money off of creating images on your computer monitor. If you don't, you are ripping yourself and your clients off.
NOTE: Do NOT use that POS Adobe thing where you try and match two grainy blurry square boxes on your screen by eye. That thing is EVIL!!
NOTE redux: And, yes, the HUEY device is TOTALLY crap. Tried one. May as well used the free super-carpy Adobe "Take a look, Take a guess" system.
NOTE twa: Colour Management is a HUGE and somewhat TERRIFYING subject for most of us. I've chewed through 2 different 400+ page manuals on it - profiles and such are HEAVY topics - but the MONITOR CALIBRATORS are child's play by comparison and I suggest you start out there.

the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!