finestcall wrote:
MindGraph wrote:
What ReinMan didn't recommend is getting a good job to pay for all that good software....

Who pays for software anyways? i got my Photoshop cd off some guy with a black raincoat and a 80's caravan.*
*Just being funny, i buy all my software legally
Ohh and ReinMan thanks to your thread i decided to go Mac too, i just purchased two ibooks... if you read my latest thread you'll see.

Good one! I think that this windows VISTA crap (do you really think you are going to have an EASY install??

) is going to swing a lot of fence sitters over to the MAC side. It is no surprise that MAC is pushing their new ad campaign so hard!!
Well I've decided to also invest in Creative Suite Premium. I can do 90% of my business with that.
As far as legal software, I gotta admit that my XP graphics stuff probably wouldn't pass the Bill Gates Inquisition... Here's My Story:
I went back to college in 2000. Now, there are many of us old folks around who say to each other "If I could only do my 20's again with what I know now it would be SO different". Well, I'm here to tell you I made the same stupid mistakes as I did the FIRST time I went to college (like dating a classmate!

ANYWAY - my media design course cost me every penny I had saved up (approx $20K CDN for the whole year of "fine" education and the joy of downtown living in Toronto) At that time I made a deal with God (no shit!) and this was the deal: while I'm a poor student, and while I'm taking years to pay off the load, I was going to accept any FREE software that came my way. And this is what I did. And the Primary Facilitating Mechanism of the Universe turned up some really good apps over the following years.
WELL, last year my loans were completed and I'm going to keep to my part of the deal. So faced with (slowly) buying licensed copies of my software now, I figured it might as well be MAC.
Also, as a (now starting to be) successful "A"rtist, It only feels right to pay other creative types (and the software I use is not designed by Dull Suits, I'll tell you!) for their ideas and hard work. How the hell can I ask $70~$200 an hour for my hard work if I'm not willing to pay some other dudes for the same thing. As Earl has learned, Karma is Karma.
Okay - thanks for reading this entry in my Blog. Please stay tuned for more wacky Change Over Fun here in ReinLand!
PS. downloading the ENTIRE Creative Suite from Adobe has been QUITE the interesting experiment.
Next time I go find it in a box at the local drug store!!!!