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Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Thu Sep 06, 2007 8:35 am Reply with quote
gotta take the comma out
and for the tips. Take a break. It did me wonders, don't chop everyday just to chop everyday... Also Chop what and when you like. Don't worry about it being old or tired to others here (unless you're worried about votes) If its fresh and new to you, thats all that really matters. I tend to try to let my humor dictate my chopping, but I did an all source kokopelli a long time ago, and I got some Oh No not another kokopelli!! (to me it wasn't another one) It was one of the first times I had ever attempted an all source or a kokopelli so it was new to me!!!
Lets remember kids, not everyone gets to fly the F-14, some of us only have a drivers license and an old beat up pinto to work with... this is for fun and for learning.
Location: Quebec (CAN) & France
Thu Sep 06, 2007 8:52 am Reply with quote
Oldage wrote:
yes it was! trhere some seriously rocknroll people arounf here.
Location: Quebec (CAN) & France
Thu Sep 06, 2007 8:56 am Reply with quote
manic_d wrote: So here are the tips so far
1- Have sex
2- Rotate image and squirt
3- Step away from the computer
4-Visit arty sites, maybe check out Hustler magazines

Location: Quebec (CAN) & France
Thu Sep 06, 2007 9:00 am Reply with quote
ScionShade wrote: That's not called inspiration. It's called copying. It's why 90% of everything posted anymore is beyond lame and why 99% of them look so much alike
you'd think one or two people made all of 'em.
People used to have their own ideas. People used to do their own thing.
You want inspiration? Do like micose. Look for something you can do in PS and become the best at it....The guy has great talent now, and he didn't find that looking at GFX. I have the site record, I did it with an image that has major flaws all over it, cause I did like micose did. Go to, Pam did the same thing, and she learned it right here like most of us. She's now a known, awarded, published on a regular basis artist.
But, if you're just gonna go for 'ideas' for chops, there's still a small chance to stand out a little. These guys just copy images with past successes, or eachother, and mainly the garbage grunge from GFX that went out of style several years.(because its lazy and meaningless)..there is one classic style that will never tire...PSC style.Haven't seen any posted in a real long time, you'll have to hit the archives.
Lol///GFX!!! i almost posted sthg overthere...but then i said to myself, its useless and risky...
Location: Quebec (CAN) & France
Thu Sep 06, 2007 9:03 am Reply with quote
Heinlein's llink is good to illustrate the fact that u can put together things without idea, just chopping, training, this way u can have surprises, it can even leads u to solid ideas...the most important thing is to start sthg, to do, its how i process...later if by any luck, the whole thing works esthetically or in its meanings, thats all extra good point. 
Thu Sep 06, 2007 9:24 am Reply with quote
My opinion on this so far is that one
I am not a trained artist so I will never have the benefit of art school so you can never ever compare me to anything Micose can or will do as he's what I term an artist, one that works with the real goods, probably has a slew of naked French models- j/k but I do admire his work but I can't do that.
So for practical matters I have to really come to find my own inspiration and sex doesn't work for me.
I don't think it is a poor source issue myself, if one is creative one can do anything with the source that seems like a cop-out to say it's because of the source.
I don't chop and post daily but usually the top choppers post more than I do at any rate. So I don't think that's the issue.
I don't know, but people are voting for what you guys are calling the un-original copy chops and so they must be of some value to somebody because the original ideas are not being voted on. The one at the back was awesome had a roof for a hat and that had very few votes but was great so I don't see you guys being real.
Location: Northern California
Thu Sep 06, 2007 9:38 am Reply with quote
Most of this users are old choppers ( no offense ) and they are well seasoned, don't expect to walk up to them and ask for good advice. We all have forgotten what this place was originally meant for, sadly, I don't know either.
Location: Back where I belong.
Thu Sep 06, 2007 9:51 am Reply with quote
I've had my share of chopper's block.
Things that were pointed out to me or I found on my own:
1. Creativity building exercises. QueenLaTiff pointed me to an exercise where you draw without looking at the paper (doesn't matter if you can't draw). Pick an everyday item and then let your hand trace it out on paper while you keep staring at the object. I tried this once and got an idea for a chop within a few minutes.
2. Read! Especially fiction books. This forces you to use your imagination and you start seeing things in your head.
3. Start daydreaming again. As kids we did that all the time (remember?). Try to find the animals/shapes in the clouds again. Picture the monster in your closet or under your bed (cue Metallica song here if you're so inclined).
4. Exercise your body and/or get outside regularly. Getting the blood flowing does wonders for the brain. While you're at it take notice the world around you. Look at the natural gradients, shadows, shapes, etc. Cue the daydreaming at the same time.
5. Work on chops for the sake of working on a chop. Don't do it just for a contest. Take that pressure of a deadline off yourself. Do a chop to learn a new technique, to learn a new tool, to learn how to achieve lighting, etc.. This includes doing the myriad tutorials you find on the 'net. Pick some that you like and just do them for the heck of it. You'll soon catch yourself thinking about how you could put that technique into a future chop.
6. Read up on artists/painters/sculptors. Focus on the techniques and things they did and not the art (or artist) itself. Then do a "tribute" chop where you try to mimic their style and/or make it your own.
Finally I've come to accept that what I used to think of as chopper's block is not actually chopper's block (at least for me anymore). I've realized that I really do have TONS of ideas for chops. Problem is that I don't know how to accomplish them. I simply don't have the skills and knowledge that I need yet. So, when I feel I have chopper's block, I'm really getting hung up on not being able to do what I want to do. At those times I focus on trying to think of a chop that I can pull off instead of the one I want to do. Now I just have to get past that. 
_________________ Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey
Thu Sep 06, 2007 10:05 am Reply with quote
wow Tofu, that's simply wonderful and very very appreciated and I do appreciate all of the input don't get me wrong. All the posts have value to me, I just can't apply some of the suggestions to myself but this thread can have ideas that can and will stimulate someone else, it has helped me already.
And when I gently castigated a few suggestions it doesn't mean that I don't like the top chops or even the suggestions because I do. Just some do and don't work for me AT THIS time, maybe next week sex will do the job.
I voted on those top chops, I like them, they hit me the right way so I don't want anybody to think I don't see personal value in the works. Actually I get some joy in all the poster's works because I love to see how your minds are coming to this end result. I have at times ideas, but can't execute them due to lack of technique and experience at this but I value the pieces even those that aren't great because somebody did put some soul into the piece.
As somebody said I am driving the pinto here and got to learn to do the "copy" chops before I can get to the original masterpiece chops. But I thank everyone for the help and please keep adding ideas they do help. Thanks again Tofu. I like the one about just drawing with the hand everyday ojects and working that way. I am also trying out some tuts 
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Thu Sep 06, 2007 10:32 am Reply with quote
That was me, but I just turned in my pinto for a datsun, and they still wont let me fly the big plane
What I meant by this, is some of us (myself included) aren't as artsy as others. Thus the reason I let my humor guide my chops 8 times out of 10. Sure, sometimes a flash of lightning may strike my brain. But I can't always turn my ideas into reality. I don't have the skills, nor the patience to create something from nothing. Thats what always gets me when people say, I've seen better from you. I always try my best, but sometimes I achieve better results than other times.
So again, be happy with yourself and your chopping ability what ever that may be. Sure, strive to be a top chopper. And def. learn all the techniques you can. But at the end of it all, just be happy with what you've done. 
Thu Sep 06, 2007 10:36 am Reply with quote
lol to you Shaman, I really want to be driving a baby blue volkswagon and also maybe a cute little red sportscar (maserati) but this pinto is getting me to the art store 
Location: Rochester, New York
Thu Sep 06, 2007 10:37 am Reply with quote
I understand what Tofu is saying.
For todays contest I had the idea of taking the source and chopping it into a panning for gold scene. Using the water splashed rocks as gold nuggets in a miners pan.
I just could not get started with the execution.
It would be cool to see if anyone here could turn my idea into reality.
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Thu Sep 06, 2007 10:43 am Reply with quote
manic_d wrote: lol to you Shaman, I really want to be driving a baby blue volkswagon and also maybe a cute little red sportscar (maserati) but this pinto is getting me to the art store 
 my point exactly!!!
we all want to be better, all we can do is work work work at it. If you do, good things will happen.. I promise.
Geez, I look back on my portfolio and see some of the glaring mistakes that I've made in the past, yet I see a long winding road ahead of me still... I guess I'm just at a rest stop now in this journey that will hopefully never end.
Thu Sep 06, 2007 10:57 am Reply with quote
Jim, that's a great idea and you should be the one to keep at it and do it. I don't have the arty skills for that.
Shaman, I looked at your portfolio and you have some fabulous things in it. The cat hanging the mice on the laundry line is wonderful and I slap myself thinking, why did I not think of that. And your ram is so lonely he bleeds an emotion and really isn't a succesful chop one that makes you feel? Well it does and you did make me feel it. So you are already about to hop in that private Lear jet .
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