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Location: Yorkshire,

Post Fri Feb 15, 2008 5:22 pm   Reply with quote         

i'm fast, anyone need to show what they can do do, i can do you a flyout menu, drop down menu, full flash site, page 1 to page 1,000,000, fade in fade out, some data based flash


Hallcross Toots

Location: Back where I belong.

Post Fri Feb 15, 2008 5:56 pm   Reply with quote         

blue_lurker wrote:
Ok jumping in here.
I have been asked to quote on some photographic repair and corrective work. Mostly under/over exposed stuff and water damage and rips n creases.

I got no idea what to charge,?

Do I go per image
per hour
or group lot

Approx 46 images colour and black & white.

Any ideas, oh and I get paid in aussie dollars so help me out and if ya can convert for me.

I personally would charge by the hour. You could have 1 pic that takes you 23 hours to do and 23 pics that you did all in one hour. End result is still 46 hours. If you had charged per image which one would you get ripped off on? Hourly you end up breaking even. Just my $0.02 US, 0.0221483942 Australian, 0.0136948781 Euros, 0.010164151 British pounds, 2.16333153 Japanese yen, 185.185185 Indonesian rupiahs, etc.

Currency conversion as of right now

Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey


Location: Yorkshire,

Post Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:04 pm   Reply with quote         

i would still charge a set rate for the entire job, you ask a guy to decorate the outside of you house? you notice he comes and goes, does some pool cleaning, a bit of gardening, he's half way through decorating someone elses house, and you dont have a clue what you are paying, or what you are paying for?
think about the customer, set a price and let them know before you start, dont mention PSCS4, that's like the guy decorating your house so he can buy a new Jeep to get to the next job,
do mention the new computer and PSCS3 you've had to buy to carry on you profesion, "old computer was not big enough for flash, dreamweaver. photoshop, premiere pro and audition".
never give them to much, just give then tasters,


Hallcross Toots

Location: Brisbane Australia

Post Sat Feb 16, 2008 12:35 pm   Reply with quote         

"Hey Tofu, there's a simple rule of thumb that you can use in any country as a bench-mark for working out your hourly freelance rate... Phone a Plumber, that's right, phone your local Plumber Shocked

I've alway noticed those guys have paralleled the going rate for creatives, even if their work is mundane and straightforward.
For instance, this is what my local plumber billed me to clear a blocked sewage pipe last Dec, Cost: AU$160, for less than an hours work with the electric mole. ($60 call out fee, plus $100 a hour or part thereof).

So, since you're just doing some pipework on this vet's Website, jokingly explain to them that you'll only be charging what any decent local plumber would Bill to keep things flowing Wink

Ha, ha, ha! Once they grasp that idea, they'll probably just nod their head/s and say... Jeez, that's fair enough, you're hired! Laughing

BTW: Sometimes I think we're in the wrong business Wink Wink

If you need some more help about charging, go here:-
Or Google <Freelance Web Design Charges> That's where i found the above Very Happy ... Wiz


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