kinetic_be wrote:
Thx for searching that Review MindGraph, it sure is usefull to me.
To Sleepyeyed: I have a Wacom Volito.
I'm not sure how much quality this pen offers in compare to other types since I got it as a gift, but so far I'm very pleased about it, just struggling a little bit with getting used to drawing.
The tablet is 13x9.5 cm (not sure how much inch that is) and has a little transparent flap over the tablet where you can place an image underneath in case you want to copy something.
The Pen itself has one long shaped button near the end (the part you hold when drawing) and when clicking it while working with a brush, you get a window where you can adjust the brush-size.
It's pretty cool.
Sleepyeyed wrote:
Ok, so on my way home I stopped by the mall just to pick up some screen wipes for my macbook and right in the same section was Wacom tablets. I picked up the Bamboo Fun model and decided to get it. It was only a hundred bucks and I figured it would be a nice starter for me. I've only been playing with it for about an hour and I already love it. A bit awkward at first. The pointer going to the exact spot on the monitor as on the pad is a strange experience. I'm so used to picking my mouse up and the pointer staying in the same place as the last. I'm also having the same problem as Martex of looking at the pen instead of the screen. I'm sure that this will work itself out though.

Do try the grid/circle/dot exercise. It will really help you get used to the tablet. Basically you make this and you'll get all kinds of practice with the stylus/pen. Especially if you make your grid BIG:
Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey