(or very very STOOPID ). Hey dang it, i resemble that remark.
The R hangee ma doodle was from the source tofu gave..........It gives it appeal, more than all scrunched up. (my opinion only). The diver i gave looks alright. If you could see the wrestling teams logo its the same WR but it has two dudes wrestling, doing what looks like a belly to back take down, seperating the W&R. I was just trying to stay with the current theme i saw on the site.
Now do i have to do the improvements......or can i just let tofu do them. I have a feeling his ability may exceed mine just a wehncee bit
Head on into a target,

that's how we roll in the south......none of that softy stuff like water and pools.
The whole girls missing thing is because they have a girls and guys team.....looks like at diffrent times of year. So as president of the HE_MAN WOMAN HATERS CLUB.....i demand you show the high sign

(closest smiley we have)
Thanks for the imput, now i feel like i am learning......you dont know how long i have waited......all those years wasted i tell you.....wasted.