I found the link Tofu you sent me in the pm so I will work on getting those things I need to make life happy here, thanks for sending them. I did not originally realize you had sent the microsoft link.
I feel better knowing I am not alone in my issues with Vista and appreciate you all sharing your viewpoints with me. I don't think I am going to be ever happy with Vista so not anything anybody has to say will probably change my mind. Once you get soured on an experience it clouds how you see it so crying children and Best Buy salesmen are part of the experience for me.
I realize that in the past I have had to go to Comp USA to get some knowledge about the product from salespeople that know their products. I have bought from Comp USA but usually I wind up at the best price store. Most of these outfits that employ people that don't know much about computers/electronics have told some doozies to get me to buy a product and I find out after researching more that these salespeople had no clue. Whatever you need to hear to buy it is what they will tell you! Unless you have them taperecorded when you go back and call them on it they flat out deny they ever said the lies they said.
This is NOT all Microsoft or Vista's problem is just part of the whole experience that makes me not like the product but if the dang thing was made/designed right most of these issues wouldn't be occuring/happening.
Thanks everyone for the help.. I maybe back in your inbox Tofu.. depending on how stuck I get once I get my hands on that XP disk from Toshiba!