TheShaman wrote:
neat topic Chris. My suggestion... and I cannot believe no one noticed...get rid of that moon or flip the church around. the moon is in the wrong position for the light that is coming off of the church as is above. the light seems ot be coming from 2 o'clock not from 11 and its messing with my eyes
also brighten that moon up or put the clouds up there... I've never seen such a Grey moon before when theres no clouds in front of it.
I'm downloading the latest psd. I will fix what I see, and post when I get the chance

Yeah I was worried about the lighting/shadows on the building but hoped I could get away with it. Like maybe there was another light source. Also I honestly couldn't determine where the light source would actually be on the church (but now that you point it out I can plainly see it

). I'll see what I can do about the moon & church.
Loving the feedback! And more importantly I'm starting to feel more comfortable in CS2 finally. Who knows... if I can buy some creativity then I may be a contender some year.
Just a note for other wannabes like me. Post your own 'practice chops' for the group to help with! You wouldn't believe how much you can learn on feedback like that I've gotten here. Even a little feedback can lead you down a path you wouldn't have thought of and you discover new stuff.
For instance earlier it was mentioned that a layer blend of color overlay could do what I was doing with a clipped color layer. While that is true I've discovered that I can selectively erase/mask-out parts of the clipped color layer. That can't be done with a layer blend and comes in handy sometimes. See I can learn!

Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey