hey all... I was wondering if some of you would like to give this a shot... I´m in a Nintendo site, and they´re promoting a logo design contest... no cash prizes though, and open only for registered users... The contest goes as it follows...
We here at NT thought it may be fun to give you all the opportunity to design a Christmas/Winter based logo for the site.
You will have until Dec 17th to enter and the winners logo will be displayed throughout the Holiday Season.
Rules and Guidelines:
1. All entries must be submitted by Dec. 17th.
2. Winner will be selected by the staff.
3. No animations.
4. Users can submit as many entries as they would like.
5. Please use [img] tags to post entries.
6. All entries must contain 'Ntorrents'
1. Two freeleech torrents of your choosing. (For the winner)
2. Two invites.
3. Custom title.
4. Your brilliant work displayed on the greatest tracker around.
So bring your creativity and photoshop skills and have fun!
So, if you feel like giving it a shot, I can post it in there under my account...
here´s the logo...