dewking wrote:
Got a question...
I won some software (Vertus Fluid Mask 3) and I already have it. Would it be illegal to sell it to someone? It sells for $150, but I was planning on selling it for about $120.
It's a download too, basically I'd just send the email I have with the download link and license # for it.
If its not illegal/wrong, I'd rather sell it to someone I know either on here, or through my FB page because I want to be sure its someone I can trust if there's an issue, and have them trust me that I wouldn't just take the money and run.
Thoughts? Interested buyer? Negotiations welcome.

some software is transferable, whole others aren't, but ultimately, if it has not been installed, then there wont be any problem at all... there are ways around all of it..
here is an example of a weird one..
VB forum software, transferable if you have owned license for more than 3 months.. leased license cannot be transferred.. you have to pay nearly full price for an upgraded version from v3 to v4, but if you buy v3 license, its lifetime.. though you can only get support for a year unless you buy that extra..