MaikroFUN - I'm not sure what size an A4 is but I think that is almost the same as our LETTER size (8.5 inches x 11 inches?
I've got the ip3000 and there is a physical 'border' on it at full size... the printer head can't "run off the edge" so it stops just short of the page edge.
The "borderless printing" is (as I understand it) for prints that are SMALLER than a full size page. Effectively it just pretends that there is an edge to the smaller paper size - in effect the paper is pre-cropped. It would be like Splodge trimming his pages in advance and then lining them up in the center of his printer to print.
I don't know if any of this helps. It certainly has confused ME!
P.S. - I could not get my BORDERLESS PRINT check box to gray-out, so I'm not sure what is happening on your printer settings regarding that!

the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!