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Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Ask the Experts - Transparent background needed - Reply to topic

Post Sat Jan 21, 2006 10:15 pm   Reply with quote         

I have "photoshopped" a friend who now appears to be Superman. I want to save just his image without any background so I can have him "fly" across a powerpoint slide. I have pasted the image on a New document and selected Transparent" as the background. Each time I insert the image into powerpoint, the image is rectangular. Aargh! First the Indianapolis Colts, now this! Thanks for your help!

Tony in Indy


Location: East Coast!

Post Sat Jan 21, 2006 10:21 pm   Reply with quote         

Do you save it as Jpeg?
JPEG doesnt support transperancy.
GIF does

Look out behind you!

Location: Austin, TX

Post Sat Jan 21, 2006 10:32 pm   Reply with quote         

Here you go!




Location: Montreal, Canada

Post Sat Jan 21, 2006 10:39 pm   Reply with quote         

Powerpoint? Everybody knows Powerpoint is EVIL. Flash is the way to go, of course.

Post Sat Jan 21, 2006 10:41 pm   Reply with quote         


Post Sun Jan 22, 2006 12:27 am   Reply with quote         

I'd suggest saving it as a png. Gifs make jagged transparencies.

The only downside of a png is that IE doesn't support it. Everyone should be using Firefox though, <_<


Location: Yorkshire,

Post Sun Jan 22, 2006 8:09 am   Reply with quote         

D.O.C. is rite .png is the way to go, download and play the tutorial 'transparent image' from this page,


Hallcross Toots

Location: Northern California

Post Mon Jan 23, 2006 2:45 pm   Reply with quote         

Death of a Clown wrote:
I'd suggest saving it as a png. Gifs make jagged transparencies.

The only downside of a png is that IE doesn't support it. Everyone should be using Firefox though, <_<

I couldn't get splodge's page to open, and if you can't either, check out give a 'dirty' method for adapting the image which might not be too useful in animations, but as Death said, using a PNG is the way to go...and get flash.

Gifs are awful because they use indexed colors. A fine solution before we had real compression schemes, but for the most part obsolete--modems don't run 2400 baud least I hope yours doesn't.

BTW, check out for a method of using PNG w/alpha in IE (view source for the JS that you add to your page).


Location: Pembroke, MA

Post Mon Jan 23, 2006 3:18 pm   Reply with quote         

If its in Powerpoint (and if you have to use powerpoint)... you can select a color to be made transparent in the picture toolbar.

Just make the background a color that is totally different from any other color in the photo. Once in PP, click on the "select transparent color" tool in the picture toolbar and click on the color.

Thats a quick and dirty way to do it.
Good luck

zebob 06/09 @ 11:14 am
im more of an alethic computer geek that doesnt play sports but is still strong.

Location: Yorkshire,

Post Mon Jan 23, 2006 7:36 pm   Reply with quote         

works for me, if any one elss is having a problem let me know, i will try to fix it, but there is 400MB on that one page, try letting it download or tell me a better way of offering it up and i will comply, i'm only here to help



Hallcross Toots

Location: Northern California

Post Mon Jan 23, 2006 9:46 pm   Reply with quote         

It's working fine for me idea why neither was working earlier--maybe that's what i get for using an airport w/Windows. Nice tuts, btw.

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