blade_in_exile wrote:
just a quick question, lately i have noticed that i am not receiving e-mail notifications about PM's that i am getting on here, is this a glitch in the system or is it me, i have checked my settings a couple of times and cannot see anything wrong with my own settings and am wondering if anyone else is having this problem.
also not getting pop-up notifications of new PM's when i visit the site.
Which settings have you checked? There are your PSC preferences, your browser prferences, and your e-mail preferences. Check that the notifications have not gone into a spam / bulk mail folder. And you might try clearing your cache then restarting your browser. I don't know exactly what the cache is, but clearing it seems to inexplicably help a lot of different problems with websites. Do you have a bunch of windows or tabs open? Maybe you inadvertently have PSC open more than once so your pop-up notification is hidden behind the front-most window or tab? Have you recently updated to the most recent version of your browser? Maybe you need to. Also try a different browser and see if the results are similar. That's about all I can think of... and you probably already did or checked most of it anyway.