Some thoughts that popped up
1. Colors.
Can you make it a bit darker so I certainly can not read what's in there

. Meaning: i'm on a crt monitor and I can hardly read the black text on the darkgrey background. I imagine some people will not even see them if their monitor is set a bit dark, not to mention the people using a lcd display.
Peronally I'm not to fond of the almost neon like color use too but that's taste.
2. Navigation
I don't see a dedicated spot where navigation through the site. I don't know offcourse what the site will be but I assume there will be some kind of navigation menu nescessary
3. I'm not fond too of placing boxes with links to other things before you actually get to the content of the page. It detracts the user of your message (most people tend to read top to bottom). And, unless you do some nifty css layer techniques it's not very SEO friendly too
4. As this is a business site, I would lose the dark colors. It's not very inviting. Would be good for game sites or stuff like that but not if you're running a business where you want to attract potential clients lighter colors might be a better option.
note: typo in constRuction