Arrrrrrrrrr freakin arrrrrrr, well shiver me timbers matey’s it’s almost upon us. Talk Like A Pirate Day and is the tradition here at PSC we post our pirate selves on a pirate ship eye, oh arr.
Well bugger that for a joke
…I hate friggin pirates, what makes them so friggin special, with all the arr that and arr bloody this, why should they get a special day when so many other cultural icons exist. Pirates PFTTTTT. Who needs I say?
So if your like me and cant stand being a Pirate for a day well I have got ya answer.
Dress Like A Viking Day
…we are a visual site so why talk like a pirate when you can
dress like a Viking. We are choppers, not bloody shark bait…so lets have some tools ta chop with…like axes and broadswords and “Wo kuld tolk like a Norse…morf morf”..(
Sorry to my Nordic friends but I only ever herd the Swedish chief talk in the muppets). So come on and lets rape and pillage PSC like the Vikings of old choppin and cutting our way through them “err pirates”, so be your true Nordic self and join me in my longboat…
"For Oden”