"Can you get away with forgery, I wonder?

1. Pick any stylistic Photochopper you like. (example Micose's work). The choice is up to you.
(BTW: Naiko's work isn't as easy as it looks, so beware.
2. Take any ONE Original Image from the PSC Gallery (Please Identify it for comparison) and do an image chop of it in the style of your choice in No.1
3. Sign Off with their Avatar FIRST... and then your own.
4. Submit your cunning entry, and wait for the votes to come rushing in.
5. Vote on all the other poor Entries Posted,
(your's being the greatest thing since sliced bread, right!)
on a 1-10 scale (1= Shyte awful... up to 10 = F@cking Fantastic, couldn't tell it from the real thing!)
Looking forward to seeing all those fake images, and remember that imitation is the most serious form of flattery, not the other way round!
