mason4300 wrote:
What exactly do you all hate specifically about Vista? I always hear everyone complaining, but they never specify and it makes me think that half the time it's just BS that they're spouting.
I very literally HATE Vista. I have a side business working on computers and setting up computers for people who can't read the quickstart guide.
The first BRAND NEW Vista computer I setup took 45 minutes to get to the desktop on the first boot. Mind you this is on a PREINSTALLED version of the OS. I had to reboot several times while uninstalling some of the bloatware that the customer didn't want. Each reboot took at least 5 minutes to get to the desktop. Everything just seems slower and these are computers that are powerhouse computers.
You want more specifics? Every time I wanted to install or change a configuration I had to say "yes I really wanted to do that and yes I'm not a virus or trojan doing this". Microsoft moved several functions to different spots (some that didn't make sense). How about all the people who bought new computers right before Vista came out only to find that their brand new hardware was incompatible? People having to buy new video cards, new sound cards, sometimes even new hard drives. How about having to have the recommended 2GB of RAM just to run the OS?
Networking functions that should be there aren't. I had another customer that bought a laptop and a desktop that they wanted to have networked together. Now part of this is Worst Buys fault but the two computers both had the same exact name in the networking settings. During the network setup the wizard should have complained about this but it happily chipped along.
You know that screenshot of the Vista warning about the mouse? I can't find it again but it basically says that Vista has detected an potentially unsafe device and that device is a mouse. I literally got that message when installing a cordless mouse! A MOUSE!
And what about the 4,000 different versions of Vista?!? (Okay so that's an exaggeration but I'm making a point here). You need THREE versions. Home. Office. Server. That's it. No need for basic, premium, ultimate, all-knowing, omnipotent, vast, etc., etc., etc. If there's shit in there that a PC can't run then have it turned off. Don't require a more expensive version just to get some eye candy.
Speaking of money. THE PRICE! Holy CRAP is Vista expensive for no good reason. It's literally priced at a point where it's cheaper to buy a new computer with Vista pre-installed than it is to buy the OS for your "old" computer. Seems like collusion with the PC manufacturers to me.
I dunno is that all BS?
manic_d wrote:
My daughter received a new laptop from her grandmother for an early xmas. BUT she hates Vista. BestBuy the outlet that Nana bought the laptop from says they can send off and get XP for us but it seems I could just download XP from the windows site onto that new pc? Is this possible and then delete Vista?
Anyway.... to further answer manic's query. You can't, as far as I know, just "download XP" from Microsoft's website. What you're talking about is "downgrading" and many people are doing it. You'll buy a license for XP and do a complete format of the drive and install XP onto the fresh drive.
It's not difficult and it's not bad. Just backup any files she has for school to a thumbdrive/cd-r/cd-rw. I'll GLADLY help you out.
manic_d wrote:
I have tried to tell my 16 year old that in a couple years everyone will have Vista so just go on and get happy with it and use it but she really likes the old format.
No offense manic but this is EXACTLY why Microsoft gets away with the crap they do. People have this apathetic attitude and just accept what Microsoft gives them as the standard.
Would you have the same attitude with a brand new car? "Oh it sucks gas like it's water in the desert and I have to replace the tires every 100 miles. But in a few years everyone will be driving them so I have to get used to it." I don't think so.
If people refused to accept Vista (it's bloat, it's price, and it's problems) and more importantly refuse to BUY it then Microsoft would have to rethink it's business model. But people don't. Too many people just accept that this is how computing is and Microsoft gets away with creating crappy overgrown software.
Mind you I am not a MS hater. I happily used Windows 2K and Windows XP (still). Microsoft has the difficult task of creating an OS that will work with many different hardware configurations. It's a bit like having to build an automobile engine that you can simply drop into any vehicle and expect it to run perfectly. Not exactly the same but the analogy makes the point.
Still. There's no excuse for putting out a shoddy OS just to meet marketing and sales goals. And there's no reason that the OS should cost so dang much or require you to get a new computer when your "old computer" is less than a year old (in some cases months old).
Anyway if you want help installing XP instead of Vista feel free to contact me.