ok on my actual physical monitor the buttons that are pushable when i go into the menu by pressing the menu button i am unable to adjust contrast and unable to adjust the rgb settings.
the program "eye-one match 3" asked for me to adjust these setting manually in the advanced calibration mode. as i was unable to do so i then elected the easy option which uses the colorimeter thing that rein dude is talking about it then set my monitor w/ out me pushing any buttons on my physical monitor and gave me the specs that it fell into.
compared to the industries standard specs my blue is way off and i should fall close to a number listed as 6500 not sure what that means but i fall at 4700 and another number was listed for me to fall into 2.2 i rest at 2.3 . i can't recall the listing or the names or what they mean.
i have not touched any settings after my neighbor set it for me. and did not default set it before we installed the software and used the colorimeter thing.
this is all the information that i can give i don't understand it all that well but i hope it better gives someone the situstion where i stand in this prob