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Season 2
chrispis vs jasper
winner! votes round compare to
jasper 51 Round #6 original
Winning Image

Voting Details
splodge splodge
16ozBud 16ozBud
Hard decision. I....I....I cant decide
ccheck ccheck
Spiders are arachnids, not insects. Insects have three body parts and six legs. Spiders have eight legs and two body parts. The abdomen is the rearmost of the spider’s two body parts, while the prosoma, or cephalothorax, is composed of both the spider’s head and thorax. Many insects have wings and antennae; spiders never have either. Spiders have a hard exoskeleton that covers the outside of their bodies. Spiders don’t have noses. They breathe through trachae on the underside of their abdomen. There are two basic types of spiders: web builders and wandering spiders. Some live underground in tunnels, in the water or on plants. Most spiders are beneficial creatures, which means that they are our friends. Spiders are helpful to people because they eat harmful insects. Spiders can eat grasshoppers and locusts, which destroy plants and crops. They also eat flies and mosquitoes, which besides giving painful bites and being a nuisance, can also carry diseases. Although spiders feed mostly on insects, some spiders capture and eat tadpoles, small frogs, small fish, and mice. Most spiders have eight eyes. Some have two, four, six, or even 12 eyes. Spiders’ eyes are singular and are called ocelli, unlike the compound eyes found on many insects. The main pair of eyes is always the spider’s middle pair, and this pair has a different construction than the lesser eyes. The main eyes are used for focusing on prey. The other eyes detect movement well, and allow the spider to have a very broad range of vision. The spider’s mouth parts are called chelicera, and they’re found below the spider’s eyes. All spiders have fangs, through which venom is ejected. Spider bites can be quite painful, and a select few can be fatal. Spiders eat by sucking up the liquid in the body of the prey. Only a few types of spiders are poisonous to humans. Spiders have silk spinning glands called spinnerets at the rear of their abdomens. Spider silk is a thick liquid that hardens as soon as it is pulled out of the spinnerets. Your garden spider may use his or her silk for other purposes than building a web in your Garden Spider Web Frame™. While spiders construct their webs and snares from silk, they also use silk to catch prey, store food, escape from danger, make egg sacs, wrap themselves to survive cold winters, send and receive vibrating signals, truss up prey for storage, or for transportation in the form of silken ropes, parachutes or balloons – often powered by the wind. This special way of traveling is called ballooning, when spiderlings float through the air on a strand of silk. Spider silk can be five times stronger than steel, and may be stretched as much as one-fourth its length before breaking! The silk of Nephila spiders is the strongest natural fiber known, and South Sea Islanders use the silk of these spiders to make tote bags and fish nets. Usually, female spiders are bigger than male spiders. Female spiders are dutiful mothers and are often seen tending their egg sacs – which can contain up to 300 spiderlings or more. All spiders hatch from eggs which are protected in the egg sac. Spiders molt, or shed their skin, occasionally as they grow. After the first molt the young spiders are totally independent from their mothers. Warning! Never pick up a spider without talking with an adult. Some spiders are poisonous and can hurt you.
Doodler! Doodler!
Zetape Zetape
MoZub MoZub
tyblubearboy tyblubearboy
cool :)
nekro nekro
chrispis chrispis
goddamn,... I say GODDAMN :) good work my friend!
flyman flyman
Capella Capella
bluefist bluefist
Phenomenal! Hands down the best of the tournament thus far.....if this isn't indicative of the term 'Winner', they need a new definition. This is REAL skill....not some schlockey re-hashed tutorial crap. (You know...the kind of stuff that's gets votes now in the daily contests) Great effort all the way through this tournament. Oh more thing.......USA! USA! USA! US....frickin' A! Thank u. :)
txpinky txpinky
I go for this one. Great thinking!
volkswes volkswes
both are outstanding!
jerico jerico
mezopunk mezopunk
this is sheer brilliance...the spider is most mesmerizing. and....since i have these 2 insects tattooed on my back, YOU WIN!
kitty kitty
dewking dewking
laurent24 laurent24
HKlevjer HKlevjer
I like the flowers I like the daffodils I like the fireside when da light is low !YEAH!
both are frickin super. tough decision.
Square Square
absolutely spectacular.
Sloth Sloth
danman danman
Tough choice... mmmmmmmm....
EddyG EddyG
cut and paste
batichan batichan
Maybe this is the greatest work I´ve seen in PSC since I´m here, congrats to both, great, original and clean works, but this one is A W E S O M E
Brent Brent
(no vote)...hehe
Serps Serps
KahRayZee KahRayZee
Superb...this sh*t is off the hook!!!!
hesaid hesaid
leif leif
both of you are my gods... im amazed
Hanzeeg72 Hanzeeg72
That's it! I can never say that I'm good at photoshop again! Thanks a lot!
Curran Curran
jenloves jenloves
Chicken Chicken
ScionShade ScionShade
POW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unbelievable, This image is just so ALIVE!!!!!! Absolutely Incredible. :-I
rphares rphares
all i can say is WOW
the202 the202
This is excellent!
anfa anfa
nancers nancers
This was the hardest H2H to vote on the whole tournament. don't hate me frogman...
HandToolUK HandToolUK
missrobin74 missrobin74
oh why oh why can' I vote for both?!?!?! I am sorry to the other one ...but this one just seems a little better ...only a ittle. They are both fantastic!
stl7dust stl7dust
luny luny
anonymoo anonymoo
damn, i wanted to vote for both of them.
pshene pshene
fzwarkatootl fzwarkatootl
supak0ma supak0ma
blackfox blackfox
no contest
EvilTigr EvilTigr

author votes round compare to
chrispis 25 Round #6 original

Voting Details
jasper jasper
spectacular. in true chrispis style!
hapal hapal
tcrkay tcrkay
AtHeaMo AtHeaMo
Whoa! Both just R O C K, but this one really got me puzzled as to how it was done!
deshone deshone
like this one
jerry717 jerry717
Hard choice...I choose this one because it looks more difficult to do.
misterP misterP
this was the hardest h2h vote ever.
DLowrie DLowrie
I can only vote for one, tough choice.
jmh132 jmh132
Wow, both very good. I liked the shaping here.
skippy skippy
more transforming of the glass
Wingnut Wingnut
This is one incredible job. I actually think it would be better if it were just the frogs alone. Congratulations to all who have made it to the final four.
scrolbar scrolbar
heyyou heyyou
Rondo Rondo
this is beautiful, the other one is good too BTW
base-zum base-zum
i like better :)
DoctorWu DoctorWu
Both are so good, glass spider meal is perfect but the humping glass frogs won me over.
listen2WEEN listen2WEEN
paradoxia paradoxia
bastards, both of yoU!
mac_crazy mac_crazy
Mmmm... I'll have what he's drinking!! (and I hate spiders....)
fluados fluados
billtvshow billtvshow
i dont even want to vote, both of these beat the other 2 hands down, im frankly astonished, i want you both to win, im leaning this way barely...
metalic metalic
nyxxie nyxxie
this one cuz its unique... the other one rocks too.
Hellekro Hellekro
Very cool both. This one seems to show more work on large surfaces though so one has to choose...
charpentier charpentier

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