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Phaethon Entangled
Phaethon Entangled
All Original Source: No outside images or references used......PLEASE see the full size image to see details like hair... [img]

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Sulemi Sulemi
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
Cool...but I don't see the Phaethon reference...
Stevster Stevster
bsoholic bsoholic
wow, cool!
ReyRey ReyRey
Govan Govan
Eve Eve
Very well done.
Micose Micose
that is fucking crazy that u created the arm, the flesh etc...just to serve the all source "theory" anybody believes that u did it...not sure looking at comments .;.it's awesome
bx3800 bx3800
Complex and clean work is always appreciated:. but why go through sooo much work for creating an arm, when in the end it's still just an arm? (nonetheless respect for your dedication to "all source")
hellraiser hellraiser
Great skin effect!
nubie nubie
nice pit hairs!!
badcop badcop
The skin looks amazing. Very impressive
Heinlein Heinlein
Just Awesome!!!!
arcaico arcaico
2 hours phone call prove of authenticity vote
TheShaman TheShaman
geez will you stop harrasing me already... seriously though... STOP IT! j/k Nice work Shady... way too much work to make an arm... but Kudos
Kansas Kansas
telefotoguy telefotoguy
Nice one!!
rebelos rebelos
Excellent job!
bigbuck bigbuck
Serps Serps
Nice work
Grefix Grefix
nice detailing with the ribs, and overall great image
blue_lurker blue_lurker
yep respect for the skin mate damn fine work
Michel Michel
I would've liked a farmer's tan, but I guess the skin is good enough ;)
mikey mikey
When I first saw this I thought it was a real arm! ~ you did a great job on the realism factor Scion! ~ kudos" ~
anfa anfa
Queen La Tiff Queen La Tiff
rashdog rashdog
excellent work on that arm scion...didn't realize it was


ScionShade ScionShade
Gere's a link to a macro of the skin, and the finer arm hairs. [img]
ScionShade ScionShade
Forget the votes..go check out the macro shot. Critique it. Thanks. :-)
Micose Micose
Bx, i think it's a good proof of abilities, of what a chopper can do using only ps, always a good knowledge to share, isn't it ? my comment was more refering to the fact that this work is somehow unbelievable as people don't "explode" in comm
bx3800 bx3800
I totally agree mic:. But lets say real world:. I need to get a job done im on a deadline and I need a picture of an arm and shoulder. I dont make it from scratch and spend xx amount of hours, I find a shot of someones arm or shoot one and done!
ScionShade ScionShade
Well, since it's a chop I did...I guess I can put in my humble opinion? Kiity got these comments--She's no longer here, but this is what she did with her too much effort work ...
ScionShade ScionShade
secondly--IMHO that skin is stinking great--at some point, I'll need that chop skill that I developed, and I'll get satisfaction from using it.
ScionShade ScionShade
Thirdly...making a chop completely from the source is a challenge that I enjoy. Perhaps because of skill development like this--I'll be the best someday--that'll be fun.
ScionShade ScionShade
and fourth...It really was fun. :-)
Micose Micose
yep hard work is good for health... (i see what u mean bx, but this is when u want to create a scene, n beautiful lights etc...there the challenge is somewhere else, in the whole looking... here, the purpose/challenge was obviously to work a technik
bx3800 bx3800
.:The work is clean and dynamite skill scion:. Kitties work is off the wall as well:. much respect for your talent:. I guess as a suuper busy designer i dont have that kind of time to spend with that level of detail on my projects. its come down to
bx3800 bx3800
quantity over extreme quality with me and my work:. however id love to sit and devote hours on end to a project to achieve that level of detail:.
ScionShade ScionShade
I never likely have the hard skills that you, Reyrey, 202, and a buncha others have. I'm just plugging away at my own thing....people are here for so many reasons...mine appears to be this..........
ScionShade ScionShade
I wanna turn out a chop just one time that 'feels' to me something like a real piece of fine art. Something to hang on my wall and always get satisfaction from.Many years ago I stood with my nose less than an inch from monet's "japanese bridge
ScionShade ScionShade
and seeing it that close..well actually i touched it...a hair.. a brush sticking out of the globs of paint..anyway--up close the painting was a brutal mash of blobs and globs and dirt stuck in the paint........
ScionShade ScionShade
I dunno--It floated my boat--wanna do that for myself just once. :-/
bx3800 bx3800
strong point:. ppl are here for different reasons:. I enjoy doin this just for fun and I like tinkering with new techniques:. i otherwise wouldnt get a chance to play with on a job persay:. Once you do this for clients your so limited to what you can do
bx3800 bx3800
creatively and I guess my perspective is that of time vs money. and big ups to you for doing it for the artistry and the craft. when im an old geezer retired then I;ll do maybe I can do it for the craft:. By then they'll probably be on pscs30 ahhah:.
ScionShade ScionShade
HAHAHA! I SO DISAGREE!! I've seen it too many times...guys that have the skills.....just one day go and do what to them is a normal chop..and .......
ScionShade ScionShade
*slip* they go expressing something of themselves and create incredibly moving pieces with skill to back it up...I know--I watch for them all the time. When they happen..they're great. :-)
bx3800 bx3800
damn man dont you sleep?? im in cali its 8:15 arent you in florida?? wtf! hey the talents out there and its bound to shine sooner or later time or no time .:Anywayz good talk:. checkya later:.
TheShaman TheShaman
wheeeee lets get the comments section record... It will be a tough go but we may be able to do it Shady lol...
TheShaman TheShaman
I am also in awe with the skin.. Awe-some doesnt even describe it man. great job!!! I also know what you mean... sometimes everything just aligns for me and an entry takes a life of its own so to speak. Player 42 would be a perfect example of that.
anfa anfa
Sci - Woopidooo Mr. Big Head! How long is this going to go on? ;]
ScionShade ScionShade
I'm done for now Anf...gotta get back to basics shaodwing is getting real bad. :-)
Merlin Merlin
superb !!!!!

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 Phaethon Entangled
by ScionShade
Created July 08, 2006
27 votes   25 comments
1280w x 960h (500KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  1
execution  3
humor  0
idea  0
theme  0

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