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The Navigator's Cut.ARR
The Navigator's Cut.ARR
Arrr me hearties, this be the big version: [img]

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TheShaman TheShaman
Yarr my beard loves this says I!
dbbowling dbbowling
arrrg...the pirates booty.
nyxxie nyxxie
Davy Davy
aye and a bottle of rhum
goofball84887 goofball84887
nicely done!
nooby nooby
another great chop!
Persuader Persuader
yeah - very nice atmosphere - love the light and the buckle =)
Relic Oboogie Relic Oboogie
Love the skull & cross bone bracelet .(manlet)
Heinlein Heinlein
Another Perfect Chop!
bx3800 bx3800
I lov de skull:. oarrgh n da watch nice touch that be:. Arr dem der be my doubloons get ur british paws off dem matey.
bsoholic bsoholic
Sulemi Sulemi
thatbobguy thatbobguy
You rock!
Spritle Spritle
bluefist bluefist
mattbach mattbach
nice job
smiecz smiecz
This one shivers me timbers!
200puls 200puls
Eve Eve
Love the warmth & theme of the image.
bigbuck bigbuck
CarlC CarlC
asking the pirate how he got an eye patch he explains: "Arrr, the first day with the hook!"
Caldera Caldera
Lighting is superb, sells the entire piece
Kansas Kansas
Nice one!
seamusoisin seamusoisin
leif leif
YAY... pirate
Vlad Vlad
Evelyn Evelyn
mikey mikey
AAAARG!! ~ Colors!! ~
Will_E_Makit Will_E_Makit
arcaico arcaico
monkeytwig monkeytwig
*clink, clink, clank, clink,clink,clink* Thats the sound of me applauding you with me two left hooks.
pacoperez pacoperez
nice colour..I like it!
AlmostPerfect AlmostPerfect
madraven madraven
tjshaw02 tjshaw02
great job..."Pirates of the Caribean" vote
armogeden armogeden
same idea. this is really well done congrats
Queen La Tiff Queen La Tiff
"Professor, what's another word for pirate treasure?"
IvanPanov IvanPanov
Micose Micose
NirC2 NirC2
Serps Serps
:) Cool
Death of a Clown Death of a Clown
Melusky Melusky
Simply Brilliant
Cambria Cambria
olive olive
Eepi Eepi
nancers nancers
Sassy Sassy
WOOT! great job matey!!
Claf Claf
Yes! Very nice! :)
clonestamp trooper clonestamp trooper
great color
L@rue L@rue
Derivatix Derivatix


anfa anfa
Hey QLT, it's booty you little beastie! :)
marcoballistic marcoballistic
arrrrgghh cap'in there be gold in them thar hill...wait thats 1890's prospecting, damn it ha ha, great work here Anf, brilliant
Heinlein Heinlein
Anfa, congrats on your win also.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
ooops, I appear to have commented and not voted..... crap sticks sorry Anf
Goat1981 Goat1981
*lol* Jeez, Marco. You cost Anfa another win. :-p IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!

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 The Navigator's Cut.ARR
by anfa
Created August 10, 2006
53 votes   5 comments
900w x 900h (216KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  5
humor  0
idea  3
theme  2

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