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Leaving the drydock
Leaving the drydock

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Patre Patre
I like the theme and the contrasted background that makes it real.
ector ector
samuelb samuelb
Looks good, maybe the background could be more blury, but I like it
marcoballistic marcoballistic
nice idea Reblos
Relic Oboogie Relic Oboogie
Cool Rebelos.
Micose Micose
very good one Rebelos
TheShaman TheShaman
Im with samuelb
Heinlein Heinlein
Very good, as theshaman and samuelb said, a slight gaussian blur in the background would be perfect :)
mikey mikey
Works well! ~ good job"
Serps Serps
Evelyn Evelyn
nice job
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
Blur makes it better, but I think the Hue/Saturation is a tad off on the boat and background...My 2 cents.
Will_E_Makit Will_E_Makit
bigbuck bigbuck
Merlin Merlin
good one ! ;)
Persuader Persuader
nicely done =)
vokaris vokaris
Good idea - fits the subject. The proportions of the image look a bit off, it looks better of you squash it back to a rectangle (640x480)
Sassy Sassy
Claf Claf
Nice! :)


rebelos rebelos
OK. you guys, I took your advise so here is some gaussian blur (to this day I could hardly tell it from peanuts. tho there is always a first time for everything.), Thank you, thank you, THANK U!

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 Leaving the drydock
by rebelos
Created September 06, 2006
19 votes   1 comments
536w x 526h (74KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  1
humor  0
idea  2
theme  2

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