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Tribute to Schumacher
Tribute to Schumacher
This weekend, a living legend of motorsports will quit his career - multiple Formula1 Worldchampion Michael Schumacher. You can hate him, you can love him, there is nothing inbetween. Und tschüss, Schumi! Outsiders:

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Will_E_Makit Will_E_Makit
Govan Govan
Nice job!!
Kansas Kansas
marcoballistic marcoballistic
cool Yello good tribute
Less than Zero Less than Zero
Merlin Merlin
Großartig, yello ! Guter Mut, Schumi !!! ;O))
rebelos rebelos
Patre Patre
Technical transformation of source to car is very good! Great setting to match theme, and strength of foreground composition is enhanced by depth of background..
Crowned Crowned
bery nice
Micose Micose
i think its one of my fav by u mate
cherylm329 cherylm329
nifft nifft
great fit.
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
Heinlein Heinlein
Serps Serps
jimmy51 jimmy51
mrchili mrchili
Sliver Sliver
TheShaman TheShaman
Ksouze72 Ksouze72
Vlad Vlad
claudiolky claudiolky
dfwsusan dfwsusan
Granulated Granulated
vehicular similarity vote :D
billtvshow billtvshow
bigbuck bigbuck
paraselene paraselene
DKCdesigns DKCdesigns
jazgraphic jazgraphic
I like this!
vokaris vokaris
Nicely integrated. A bit fuzzy on the sides of the cockpit. Would be nice if there was something else reflected (another view of the track) in the mirror-shine suirfaces. btw - the link to externals did not work
Relic Oboogie Relic Oboogie
Excellent use of source YP. Love it.
Gort Gort
anabrin anabrin
Scrumpy Scrumpy
You can see how he won so many races- just look at his sweet ride!
point_n_click point_n_click
Nice Work!
Michel Michel
the burning couch the burning couch
mikey mikey
Eve Eve
Formula vote! Vrooooooom!
bsoholic bsoholic
Paul Von Stetina Paul Von Stetina
good one YP, he was bad ass
Claf Claf
philgos philgos
ahah! not fond of formula 1 but your idea is great ! :)
fempie fempie
L@rue L@rue
Lord David Lord David
cafn8d cafn8d


yello_piggy yello_piggy
made some changes on the color. hope all who voted already like it.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
He showed his true skill yesterday, never matched in formula 1, and won't be for many years IMO. from 11th to 4th in 3 laps, got a puncture, was 75 seconds behind Massa deep in last place. And finished 4th. That is true unbelievable skill and technique.
yello_piggy yello_piggy
sorry, here is the link to the outsiders again: [img]

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 Tribute to Schumacher
by yello_piggy
Created October 22, 2006
47 votes   3 comments
1024w x 850h (499KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  1
execution  7
humor  0
idea  5
theme  2

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