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They will face the Persian cats. You bet it!

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Alex Alex
Govan Govan
Sliver Sliver
anfa anfa
hellraiser hellraiser
Eve Eve
i don't pay too much attention to light sources on an image that is this imaginative.
cherylm329 cherylm329
Melusky Melusky
the arrows must have been a bitch
bigbuck bigbuck
j58roldan j58roldan
Sulemi Sulemi
very kewl
Super Greek Super Greek
Well quite frankly I think that this picture is awesome, and Soze is right. Lets stop all this fussing and a fueding. Were all brothers here right?(and some sisters)
dfwsusan dfwsusan
Granulated Granulated
nice idea
Tesore Tesore
I like the idea
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
HA! Great theme.
Moesey Moesey
jeepers jeepers
L@rue L@rue
Micose Micose
EHethGraeme EHethGraeme
very cool
jazgraphic jazgraphic


TheShaman TheShaman
"I refuse to vote for choppers that have skills and don't use them".
arcaico arcaico
If ya can't see the skills in here, I can't call you a chopper at all. And Sean, I'm not going after you, but if ya want me to, just ask... ya know I can make yer stay here a living hell.
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
Being at PSC is Hell in itself. And how many light sources does this chop have? I see, what...4?
TheShaman TheShaman
what ever man, A) you don't call me a chopper. B) You can't make my life anything. where to begin? some of the mice aren't finished, the helmet there in the middle is just reversed... the arrows on the shield have light coming from underneath?
TheShaman TheShaman
I just expect more from you. I almost thought this was a joke... but april fools was yesterday ;)
arcaico arcaico
That´s the difference between you and me... I don´t expect nothing from you.
TheShaman TheShaman
nice steal of my avatar from my portfolio btw. cant you do your own ones? mine had nothing to do with yours and everything to do with easter.
arcaico arcaico
I had a cross with Jesus, you ghot a cross with Jesus, I changed my cross with Jesus... ya have a problem with that?
Soze Soze
Guys, remember that we are all under the same Sky. I don't know if i explained me good (it's a risiko for me talking english here, hahahah). we have to try to stay in peace to make unique thi community. Love and peace guys
TheShaman TheShaman
nope keep it. it suits you. I just find it funny that you use my entry though.
TheShaman TheShaman
here use this one though it will be in a higher resolution
arcaico arcaico
Nah... got this nice shot of Linda Blair masturbating with a crucifix.
TheShaman TheShaman
suit yourself lol
TheShaman TheShaman
let me be clear here. I think the 'idea' of this chop is absolute brilliance. its the attention to details from someone who is the biggest detail critic here, that is what I find problematic and why I'm not voting for it. Not that arc cares though.
arcaico arcaico
You're right. I don't care. Go back to yer dungeon.
Super Greek Super Greek
Damn it whats with you two? I mean really does it matter that much, you both are gods here and your squabbling about such a purile thing, you should be trashing some one like me who sucks or mabey not at all.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
or me, trash me, I loooooove it :oD

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by arcaico
Created April 02, 2007
22 votes   17 comments
1010w x 800h (475KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  1
humor  2
idea  4
theme  0

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