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Animal House
Animal House
This is a collaboration chop and not part of today's source image

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cherylm329 cherylm329
Wow! Such a great idea, hahaha :P
dbbowling dbbowling
Great idea :D
pollyO pollyO
Excellent work Cheryl!!! :)
Govan Govan
janetdog janetdog
Too bad the lake wasn't filled with chocolate milk.
dfwsusan dfwsusan
how cute!!
MindGraph MindGraph
animal house....I don't get it...hahaha j/k this is almost as good as the tiki bar submit.'s very cute. My daughter would pick you two as winners. Where's the cute button...
the202 the202
Mmmmmm, I love those things.
Eve Eve
One of my favs! This is great work!
leif leif
Stevster Stevster
tadams tadams
Teeny-tiny elephant vote.
Evelyn Evelyn
bigbuck bigbuck
Mir Mir
very cool
Paul Von Stetina Paul Von Stetina
great googly moogly :)
Serps Serps
Heinlein Heinlein
Excellent! A lot of great entries today :)
Granulated Granulated
the burning couch the burning couch
Real good work*!, that's the size they should be sell'n...not the punky size that's gone in 2 seconds.;P
Synthvet Synthvet
anabrin anabrin
Micose Micose
Good "Chop Poche"
ReinMan ReinMan
What a stoopid idea turning this thing into something like a circus or carnival or something stoopid like that! :P
Claf Claf
cafn8d cafn8d
Very fun pic! (Just flip that one balloon, second from the rihgt.) Great COOLaboration!
podgorski podgorski
i like it p.s. whats with the illustrated banner :P
tanamarn tanamarn
bsoholic bsoholic


digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
Cool chop, but I don't think you should've voted for your own team...but that's just me.
Poche Poche
Eve said we could vote for our own :P
marcoballistic marcoballistic
you cn vote for your own team..... what the 8oO
marcoballistic marcoballistic
anyways, nice chop
Martrex Martrex
Back to the circus
cherylm329 cherylm329
Ohh, good idea Janetdog, I wish I would have thought of that, umph!
W.C.M. W.C.M.
hah this is a cute idea good job w/ the theme.... oh and hey where is your coolab team avator huh huh i was hoping to see one due to the text writen in parenthacies next to the team name on the forum.
cherylm329 cherylm329
Unfortunately, I barely had time to complete this chop so our avatar suffered the consequences, haha.

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 Animal House
by Poche
Created July 18, 2007
30 votes   8 comments
800w x 600h (82KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  1
execution  2
humor  0
idea  5
theme  1

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