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The Final Prop Gag [GIF]
The Final Prop Gag [GIF]
"This Gag is called 'dangling a carrot in front of a horse'. You've been a great audience..gurgle.." .. Info on the so-called prop-comedian

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Soze Soze
dohhh. Terrific gif Andy. I like a lot the fluid movment and the shadowing
TheShaman TheShaman
he he!
marcoballistic marcoballistic
the shadow is awesome
ece ece
monuril84 monuril84
pollyO pollyO
This Rocks!! Pun intended. :) Great work!!
welan welan
billtvshow billtvshow
tadams tadams
Man, way to go on improving Carrot Head's looks. Funny idea. Some small stray red blotches below the neck.
Micose Micose
lancoma lancoma
jmf1066 jmf1066
Patre Patre
Another great point of interest for the horses' eyes. I also like the synchronized shadow movement..
CarlC CarlC
well done
rebelos rebelos
Serps Serps
Heinlein Heinlein
Carcarlo Carcarlo
Less than Zero Less than Zero
Not carrot top...noooooooooo
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
annajon annajon
max&roro max&roro
manic_d manic_d
carrot top vote lol!!!! did you see him on the flavor flave roast?
badcop badcop
insanity. best of show.
anabrin anabrin
Expeditious sistem..!! Cool gif!!
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
Martrex Martrex
dewking dewking
edovan edovan
the burning couch the burning couch
Well, I never did like the guy...but jeeez Gran...................................couldn't you have at least made his face look pummeled or sumthin %P *!
abraham abraham
WhimSea WhimSea
waiting for this to render in... that carrot is sure big... OH IT"S CARROT TOP!! bwhahahahahaha just don't get why the horse's eye isn't blinking or anything. BETA CAROTENE VOTE
acemanoj acemanoj
Really nice shadow work. Shadow vote.
Mir Mir
L@rue L@rue
Love the shadow from the head:)


Granulated Granulated's splatter !
Granulated Granulated
his stage name is Carrot Top by the way
tadams tadams
Ah! Now wonder my search for "Carrot Head" didn't give me what I wanted.
Granulated Granulated
Soze.. i would hardly call it fluid.. it's just the three frames FFS !
Granulated Granulated
no matt.. last thing I saw this arsehole in was Reno 911
edovan edovan
just noticed: the shadow is really neat, but when the head is on the right the shadow seems to be a bit brighter. it has some kind of a blinking effect
Granulated Granulated
hi ed....yeh I lightened the edge to give it a vague sense of forward/backward movement and not simply left and right

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 The Final Prop Gag [GIF]
by Granulated
Created August 20, 2007
36 votes   7 comments
550w x 450h (282KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  4
humor  5
idea  1
theme  0

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