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Remember When ...
Remember When ...

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Soze Soze
tadams tadams
Nice one, Adam. Good color makeover.
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
marcoballistic marcoballistic
good, really fits with the old tri colour magazines of the by gone age, bravo Adam
welan welan
very nice
Martrex Martrex
Granulated Granulated
nice colourisation
CarlC CarlC
I'm all about green
cherylm329 cherylm329
Yes, I can't wait for Fall either, it's my fav time of year :)
Wild_Freesia Wild_Freesia
nice colour change.. maybe shoulda left roof black?... good work though
Patre Patre
Serps Serps
Salvezza Salvezza
pachu pachu
great idea and construction of the piece ;)
StephenBif StephenBif
pollyO pollyO
Mir Mir
abraham abraham
Heinlein Heinlein
Less than Zero Less than Zero
Stevster Stevster
anabrin anabrin
jerry717 jerry717
acemanoj acemanoj


AdamScott AdamScott
Thanks for the comments, everyone. It's been so bloody hot in the Southern U.S. that I found myself longing for the crisp, cool days of Autumn ...
nigel grand nigel grand
nicely done

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 Remember When ...
by AdamScott
Created August 28, 2007
25 votes   2 comments
747w x 960h (498KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  4
humor  0
idea  1
theme  1

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