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image clean up
image clean up
all source and photoshop work, 7 layers, 6 hrs of work and by far the hardest clean up i've attempted. please click it big for detail as small looks a tad rezy ;) *updated may need to refresh browser*

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TheShaman TheShaman
nice job on the screened doors
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
annajon annajon
pakimo pakimo
well cleaned :-)
Heinlein Heinlein
Matt, this is close enough to perfect, but for some reason the grass hanging over the gutter looks like it shouldn't be there :)
betdoval betdoval
It was my first idea, but you did it better, of I'll change my idea.. ;)
jrcftw88 jrcftw88
Wow! Nice work
welan welan
Very nice ..i have a room that needs
max&roro max&roro
yesssssssss.....City clean....hahahah
Martrex Martrex
GPoenicke GPoenicke
Paul Von Stetina Paul Von Stetina
nice job NGSP, can you come over to my shop next?
geeren geeren
marcoballistic marcoballistic
this is definately one of, if not your finest work to date Matt, it really is a great clean up, on a pretty hard source to attempt it on, very well done
jkmansell jkmansell
Nice work on the doors!
CarlC CarlC
how very neat and tidy
Granulated Granulated
actually its quite a straightforward cleanup..that being've done it brilliantly...congrats
Mel47 Mel47
a good clean...
ReyRey ReyRey
bigbuck bigbuck
timea timea
Eve Eve
I'm not a big fan of clean-ups, but you've been working really hard on your posts lately...and this shows it :)
That's great... but, now can you take care of my basement for me?
Serps Serps
Janfet Janfet
Less than Zero Less than Zero
stive stive
Soze Soze
Are you going for your third bud? i can see you put a lot of effort in this one. Continue this way Matt, you will fly very high in Psc sky my friend :-)
yello_piggy yello_piggy
tsitra tsitra
excellent, same idea, agree w keepin it real not too perfect. great job on the screen and to duplicate. agree w/marco u have stepped it up. congrats!
lancoma lancoma
supak0ma supak0ma
7 layers? lol
abraham abraham
milu milu
billtvshow billtvshow
Tesore Tesore
rockfisch rockfisch
A very nice cleanup :)
ece ece
very nice..
Persuader Persuader
well cleaned up - really clean now
creatrix creatrix
I kinda skimmed by this the first time, but you had a bit of publicity and I gave it another look - nice job!
WhimSea WhimSea
nice clean up Matt! you do windows too?
anneronies anneronies
acemanoj acemanoj
Really a nice job matt...:)
anabrin anabrin
Good work!!
greeneyes greeneyes
the best
Tarmac Tarmac
incredible work!
pollyO pollyO
Micose Micose
great job mate!
rockyjob rockyjob
the burning couch the burning couch
Real good cleanup ! Some varying details/textures on the screens would make this look even better....yeah, me picky.;P
Synthvet Synthvet
good clean-up
dumbat dumbat
i could only see one bit of obvious clonestamping (floor in front of right hand door). fix that and this'd be a perfect clean-up :)


jim i intentionally left the grass one of the carpet rolls and tarp to create a more real life setting thank you though ;)
Heinlein Heinlein
Still an excellent job :)
thanks jim ;)
thank you all for the wonderful comments. the doors alone took me 2 hrs to do and each screen derived from the 1st screen all individually transformed to fit the original screens the concrete/ground took up a lot of time as well ;)
betdoval betdoval
Grass isn't durty... The grass is beautiful... :)
Soze Soze
in my favs
thank you for the fave sante ;)
lancoma lancoma
I guess J.clark will not vote for you ( :D:D:D)
yes 7 layers ;) if i could find a way to post the psd i would i've seen it done before but not sure how to do it ?
milu milu
wooooo, i now click the big pic 8-o fantastic working, 7 layers??? Congrats! How it's made?
@ ceatrix: hah yes there was that forum started about mine vs anothers entry in this comp but thats up to others to have their own view on that subject and not mine & i've left my reply to the matter in the forum & will reply in an unbiest manor here
hah a lot of people have asked me to clean or paint and even do there windows lol...well i charge 5cents an hour and i don't need brakes set me up w/ a cot and some beers a roof over my head and its a deal lol ha ha ha ohh... i'll shut up now ;)
WhimSea WhimSea
"image clean up" that's the title? must have thought that title up after the 6 hrs of work! ha! now if only you could clean the pavement.... :-D
thanks todd... thats a wonderful crit and i only wish i would have gotten it sooner in this comp those damn screens took forever like 2 hrs or so i added texture to the frames of each one in diff ways mainly on the lft side of the screen but once i...
got the screen to match up perfectly i didn't dare want to mess w/ it any more. hell i even hurt my shoulder in the making of this lol its so damned cramped right now lol i can hardly rais my arm he he how fu*k'n sorry is that hah but i do appreciate it.
@ dumbat if your talking about the repeating cigarette but on the ground i see what your talking about that is an error and thanks for pointing that out and thanks for the honest crit for me thats the best way i learn from my mistakes ;)
Salvezza Salvezza
Go Matt! Yay you.. I don't know how I missed your entry, I guess I been so busy and rushed, but congratulations! Well done ! :P
acemanoj acemanoj
Congrats matt..:)
max&roro max&roro
jrcftw88 jrcftw88
Congrats! :D
WhimSea WhimSea
Congrats! You're really cleaning up on the wins! :-D
Mel47 Mel47
congrads, Matt
annajon annajon
Of all the doors this was the best from the start, so good to see you win this one Matt!! And yes, one day love to see how you did it. Perhaps you can put the layers images on one image and put that online somewhere?
abraham abraham
Congrats Matt!
thanks sal, and no its me who should be grats'n you manoj we tied a very on the edge of the chair comp my friend... thanks max, Jenya, christy, melanie and anna ;)
thanks abraham ;)
X'lent work once again and congrate's on the WIN ;)
thanx "3-Ds" ;)
Heinlein Heinlein
Congrats Matt on a job well done! I will be taking a break from the site for awhile but wanted to say to you, keep up the good work. :)
Micose Micose
congrats Matt, excellent work and win!
Soze Soze
Congrats my friend. Glad for ya. Deserved victory
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
Congrats, NGSP!
Martrex Martrex
Tesore Tesore
Congrats! Great clean up! :-)
thanks jim we'll miss ya... thanks naiko, sante, twk, marty, and tes ;)
Granulated Granulated
well in son!
anabrin anabrin
Congrats NGSP!! :)
thanks andy and ana ;)
gsenthil gsenthil
Congrats Matt
thanks senthil ;)
marcoballistic marcoballistic
well in son, good to see this atop the homepage when I logged on this cold monday morn ;oP
hah thanks mark ;)
TheShaman TheShaman
congrats on the win!
TheShaman TheShaman
now remember, you can send the $$$ straight to my paypal account. That software program to force everyone to vote for you instead of someone else was a bitch to write...
hah thanks sean yes that program was a real winner lol da check be in the mail ;)

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 image clean up
Created January 13, 2008
52 votes   45 comments
1280w x 960h (506KB)

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