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external is me... please view large for detail as small is a tad rezzy due to the half tone dots ;)

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candron candron
good work matt
annajon annajon
gsenthil gsenthil
nice matt
TheShaman TheShaman
Sjitske Sjitske
Haha cool Matt ;) but your pic looks a bit it kinda midget feel to it hehe
mrchili mrchili
marcoballistic marcoballistic
a little squished Matt, need to adjust that, but good job
bigbuck bigbuck
pollyO pollyO
LOL :)
birdtoes birdtoes
CarlC CarlC
only 2% fat!
ece ece
mike.b. mike.b.
in agreeance with others...but chicks dig it vote good one
Granulated Granulated
accurate text match
mellowdesign mellowdesign
Fun...image a bit squashed, and I'd move the 2 nearer the %, but otherwise cool!
anabe anabe
Martrex Martrex
Definitely going for the Rustic survivor look!
caprix3 caprix3
haha cool
dewdew dewdew
The external is me....ROTFLMAO....NO SHIT SHERLOCK...thanks for that inside scoop....hahahaha.....The wifebeater tank gave that away..;).....nice work..and funny.
Salvezza Salvezza
butter nut :P
Beckie_Banks Beckie_Banks
sirenka sirenka
some tasty butter :)
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
JoePhila JoePhila
Serps Serps
jorzza jorzza
haha, u look like gta4
zoom zoom
chick vote
Scrumpy Scrumpy
Ha! Cool. LOL @Dew.
WhimSea WhimSea
bud-da is now mo bud-da!
Tarmac Tarmac
Mel47 Mel47
Tea Man Tea Man
Soze Soze
jrcftw88 jrcftw88
Haha, nice work
Tesore Tesore
It is just the outside oke? Nothing wrong with the butter?
Lrossa Lrossa
Heinlein Heinlein
Good Matt, but the perspective of the image seems a little off :)
Goat1981 Goat1981
Cool. I like the wife-beater. ;)
Dead Man Dead Man
UntExp UntExp


Granulated Granulated
why didn't you convert your photo into a similar style as the original ?
Granulated Granulated
i know why the image is squashed..Matt wanted to show off his cool belt !
marcoballistic marcoballistic
lol @ Andy ;oP
the image is squashed for 2 reasons one because I AM SHORT!!! lol... 2 because i was trying to fill in the same amount of area that the original guy took up on the package ;)
dew how did you know its me???!!! what are you spying on me again? ;)
WhimSea WhimSea
no, no, no... You meant to say "CHECK OUT THIS PACKAGE!!"
supak0ma supak0ma
why is the pic distorted
thank you all fro the votes and comments ;)

Dinkelbauer zoom

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Created July 17, 2008
42 votes   8 comments
1132w x 960h (437KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  0
humor  5
idea  0
theme  2

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