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Gay Rights Parade
Gay Rights Parade
Updated. . . Front window adjusted as were some of the back openings of vehicle. Touched up tires.

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annajon annajon
candron candron
good external use
mangochutney mangochutney
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
My first thought with this source
caprix3 caprix3
tadams tadams
Good idea, Nat. Integration is done well.
Tarmac Tarmac
good rainbow tie in nat.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
oops meat to vote, still correct the bits in my comment I would say, but up to you :o) good theme
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
Martilic Martilic
Mir Mir
Granulated Granulated
anabe anabe
done well
theme vote ;)
seelcraft seelcraft
Good picture, elements well integrated. But views thru windows don't match. Guy in dark brown suit seems to be a pinhead.
Salvezza Salvezza
Although I am opposed to gay rights, the ideal is authentic.
mihai_myxz mihai_myxz
good idea
Carrignafoy Carrignafoy
Looks like Dublin!
Mel47 Mel47
pollyO pollyO
blue_lurker blue_lurker
Lot of good clean work in this, some figures area little blurry but still well with in expected parameters. Nice ps work
Martrex Martrex
mike.b. mike.b.
anyone ever been to a rainbow gathering?? held in ocala florida?? im not gay..but alot of my friends people really open minded folk ..and the best of im going to vote for your theme here. this is a powerful entry nath. good job
Sjitske Sjitske
very nicely integrated! good job ;)
nunosk8 nunosk8
mellowdesign mellowdesign
Serps Serps
betdoval betdoval
yello_piggy yello_piggy
nevet nevet
Soze Soze
great idea and fit
bigbuck bigbuck
Goat1981 Goat1981
Good integration and theme. :)
Tesore Tesore
God is love vote! ;-) Great chop.
Cookie Mobster Cookie Mobster
flamur flamur
You could remove the walls from other buildings which are still visible . Nice idea though
Fetamin Fetamin
Claf Claf
Persuader Persuader
fits well - very nice integrated :D
TheShaman TheShaman


marcoballistic marcoballistic
quite nicely done Nath, although some parts of the cut out get rather ugly around the wheels and the people causing blue. Also a bit of an eye drawer, the tree is still visible through the cab. But some nice integration here too. would sharpen up bits tho
Granulated Granulated
shadowing under vehicle is way too dark (considering the overcast conditions)
in portland they have this parade every year... i have attended it several times and i always get a great kick out of the group called DYKES ON BIKES... they are a mortor bike gang and they ride mainly topless and in leather lol... tire shadows are odd...
... other wise very good integration and realistic setting nathan ;)
nat_g31 nat_g31
Thanx matt. I would love to attend just to see dykes on bikes. Even though I am from the Bay area I never got out to see the parade in person. But I have spent New Years in Frisco and have seen some awesome things!
Goat1981 Goat1981
"Although I am opposed to gay rights"... Is that comment really necessary? >:-I
nat_g31 nat_g31
Not necessary, but thanks for the vote!
Salvezza Salvezza
Perhaps not, but I said it anyway, because I'm letting people know what I am for and against. And I'm practicing my freedom of speech protected under the 1st amendment. :)
marcoballistic marcoballistic
why do people who have little or nothing to do with subjects like this, always stand up to work against it. I mean freedom of speech is fine, but of course the rights of other sexual orientations should be permitted, that is me with my opinion...
marcoballistic marcoballistic
... and I only offer it as it seems to be up for debate. When infact it should be a modern and natural progression in todays world. People who really hate the idea on personal or religious grounds, should really take a look at themselves and ask if it...
marcoballistic marcoballistic
...really effects them, and their world. I know it does not effect mine. And anybody who springs up and starts going off tangent with oooh then this should be allowed or this etc etc really needs to grow a brain. The choice of the person is the key...
marcoballistic marcoballistic
... and in a so called free world, with free speech, their should be no argument. I mean it is not long ago that your were arrested, and not long before that that you could be put to death for practicing your sexuality in this way...
marcoballistic marcoballistic
.., how very insane that was. And sad thing is, there are many who think punishments should still exist, and indeed in some countries they do. One day we will look back and think what the hell were we doing. I see it as the views of Neanderthals. My 2c's
nat_g31 nat_g31
Since this is my pic, I guess I can also exercise free speech. Sal, I completely agree that you have a right to free speech and I respect you for using it. But to say that was really unnecessary and could be seen as hurtful from someone
nat_g31 nat_g31
I personally agree with Mark. People should be able to do whatever they want, you know the "pursuit of happiness", as long as it doesn't harm anyone else. I grew up going to church but never got brainwashed into believing that gay people are evil
nat_g31 nat_g31
Thats similar to me as the way the Germans treated the jews, or the white people treated, well, everyone. It is Neanderthal thinking, but you have a right to do so. Hey thanks for looking at my picture!!!
mike.b. mike.b.
may i ask ..wats with the baileys banner?? why baileys?? thats the only thing i cant figure out..i really aprecieate your idea here do something of this nature with all that is going on in this world..and yet the gay peeps are as happy as ever:)
Salvezza Salvezza
I think my brain is fine marco as is. I will not change my thinking. Free world, yes, as I am free to say what I feel and know to be wrong. Sure we all have the right to express our rights, but that doesn't change what's right and moral by God's laws..
Salvezza Salvezza
In which our country was founded on by the way... I will not condone their rights, because it is an abonimation in the eyes of God.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
gods law? god dang it, so annoying as there is no winning against such inflexible views and values. I am fine with people believing whatever, but how does that give anyone the right to say what is right and wrong as long as nobody is being hurt?
marcoballistic marcoballistic
you state categorically that the homosexual orientation is wrong & you know it to be. Now that is not true, you have been told and read it is wrong, & that is the only fact you seem to speak. Have your opinion, but do not state it like some lawful fact!
Goat1981 Goat1981
"an abomination in the eyes of God"? Says who?
Salvezza Salvezza
It's a fact, and matter of the truth. Guess you won't believe till you see it for yourself, hope it won't be too late.
Goat1981 Goat1981
It's a fact and a matter of truth? That's not a valid answer.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
I predict we could talk about this until the 14th coming of the bearded sandal wearing chap and still not have the answers we all want to hear
nat_g31 nat_g31
Mike- It was a part of the externel, and my daughter's name coincidentally, and it's f---ing yummy!
Mir Mir
it is an abonimation, in the eyes of God? Who's God? A God who makes someone gay and then say it is wrong to be gay? One is gay/ no choice about it/you are born gay. We are all the same just diff sexual orientation nobody's choice just our nature.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
there it is right there ladies and gents, so clear, so concise. If indeed there is a god, he apparently makes us all, guides us all, and if you are homosexual, you are from birth, its not something you learn, or think 'oh i'll give that a try'.
Salvezza Salvezza
I could talk till I was blue in the face but people will believe what they want. I don't believe God the Creator made anyone gay. He made man with a free will and it's their decision to do what they choose. Like you chose whether to believe in God or n
Mir Mir
"We all have the right to express our rights" What about the Gay rights? What do they do? Cross themselves and hope to die? Do you believe that anyone would, out of choice, go through the misery people with your mentality but them through? Live n let li
Salvezza Salvezza
The misery I put them through? I haven't brough any misery on them or anyone.. I'm not going to argue with people who are blind to the truth, and putting me down by saying things to insult my mentality, and name calling.
Mir Mir
Please no insult or offence intended at all!! What I meant was that by our words no matter how much we ourselves may believe in them, we are hurting others we may not know enough about.
Goat1981 Goat1981
1.) I am an abomination of "God the Creator." [That's not hurtful at all.] 2.) I CHOSE to be this abomination, someone that is looked down upon in society. [yeah, that makes a whole lot of sense]. :-I
Goat1981 Goat1981
For one thing, you have no idea what its like to be don't go around saying it's a choice because it's not. It's feelings I struggled with my whole life. I didn't choose anything. ...and the only reason I struggled with anything is because
Goat1981 Goat1981
people like you saying it is an abomination. don't think people who think like you haven't caused any misery, because that's just a bunch of bullshit. I don't buy this "TRUTH" you speak of...
marcoballistic marcoballistic
The problem here, is believers of the bearded chap and all he stands for will never listen to the counter argument. A little like non violent dictators that surround themselves with terrorist fanatics. Basically if these views were put into action...
marcoballistic marcoballistic
...we would have social and religious genocide! We could go on and on and get nowhere. As the religious side will not bend, there is no, 'oh, didn't think of that', or 'I see your point lets discuss'. And that is because the religious ideal they stan
marcoballistic marcoballistic
... for are supposedly being eaten away by these so call abominations! Still stuck so so far in the past in regards to that it is a shame. I respect Kris for speaking up, as many here probably did not know what they do now. And so what...
marcoballistic marcoballistic
... nothing has changed, I am still me, he is still him, everyones the same. yet people will get there panties up in a bunch because of the views and natural urges he and many other have. I agree, you scream you are doing gods work, when infact all you...
marcoballistic marcoballistic
... do is hurt, harm, make harder thousands of lives across the world. And why, are you bored, nothing better to do. Sigh, people should not get in other peoples business, its just leads to unrest and pain. Ok I am done, lets all S.T.F.U.A.C
nat_g31 nat_g31
I cannot fathom that it is 2008 and we are still having conversations about this. It is just sickening to me. People have a "right" to do as they wish and others can have an opinion but that doesn't negate their right to live their life as they wish.
nat_g31 nat_g31
I really think people that speak out so loudly have skeletons in their own closet (Like the bully at school) and are ashamed of choices they have made, calling others an abomination makes them feel better. Ridiculous!
nat_g31 nat_g31
As far as insulting or calling you names Sal. I don't think we did that at all. It is a neanderthal thinking that probably isn't your fault. You were probably raised in an environment that harbors hate. In reality I feel bad for you and I hope you c
nat_g31 nat_g31
change "before it's too late." Now, like Marco said STFUAC!!!
what a clusterfuck of sadness i just read... now this is the last thing i will say... nathan great chop... susan you are christian correct? doesn't god say thou shalt not judge one another? but yet you continue to do so. susan you are intiteled ...
... to your beliefs as so are the other members involved in this conversation... but to the majority of them you are upsetting them. just agree to disagree i think thats a fair thing to say. this truely is sad to see.
Claf Claf
I sincerely think that god is gay! :)
blue_lurker blue_lurker
I still like the depth this creates as an image. nice work as I said before
Mir Mir
Yes, this truly is sad to see N.G.S.P. but can anyone possibly imagine how hard it is to live with it in your face all your life. Having to continually defend yourself simply because of who you are!! NOW I will STFUAC!!! Great image Nat, congrats!!
Salvezza Salvezza
I wasn't raised to hate.. and I don't hate these gay people. I'm not saying I haven't done wrong, for all have sinned and fell short of the glory of God. It's not my judgement that I decided to come up with it's in God's word, that's homosexuality
Salvezza Salvezza
abomination to God. Criticize me , and mock God if you will. The only sad thing about this is you all have risen up against me, You say I'm closeminded, well so are you when you put down God and what His word says. Matt I haven't judged. God has thou
Salvezza Salvezza
and marcoa these so called urges you say are natural.. no it's not natural. It's against the very nature of mankind. It's demonic. Demons are taking over your mind, and body. I don't expect you to believe that, since you're so closed minded to the tr
Salvezza Salvezza
truth. You turn away from the truth. It's even in the Bible that men will turn away from the truth, in the last days, and believe a lie and be damned. The only thing I am trying to do, is to expose this lie, in hopes someone will believe and be saved.
Salvezza Salvezza
Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these men: "See, the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones to judge everyone, and to convict all the ungodly of all the ungodly acts they have done in the ungodly way,
Salvezza Salvezza
and of all the harsh words ungodly sinners have spoken against him." 16These men are grumblers and faultfinders; they follow their own evil desires; they boast about themselves and flatter others for their own advantage.
Salvezza Salvezza
Jesus Is Coming "Behold, I am coming soon! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy in this book."
marcoballistic marcoballistic
I think actually the issue here is you have views, and we have views. Your views are seen by many as archaic as they have not altered for hundreds of years...
marcoballistic marcoballistic
...And why is that, because the scriptures which are the base of religious ideals are held far in the past, never to be updated, and never to be flexible. So many believe in what happen x amount of years ago, and that is basically it...
marcoballistic marcoballistic
...while others like the ones who have spoken here can adjust and assimilate information, and make logical conclusions. Not ones that are recycled and in many cases contradict themselves, like a lot of the bible does...
marcoballistic marcoballistic
... and when something does not make total sense in relation to another part of the text, it is explained with an elaborate retort of smoke and mirrors. I could argue all day, and so could you Sal, and thats why this is getting ridiculous.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
I may point out that demons have not taken over my mind, I am still in control of my own ship as it were, although the seas may indeed be a little choppy and on occasions I lose radar... and whats the... oh poo the lighthouse is out :oP
Salvezza Salvezza
Marco I'm not arguing.. just merely stating the truth as I know it. The Bible doesn't need to be rewritten. It's the ordained word of God, and God doesn't change. He's the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. The Bible is the inspired word of God
Salvezza Salvezza
God's word was written by anointed men of the Holy Spirit. I suppose you don't believe in the rapture either, but that doesn't make it not true. I'll leave after this, since I'm sure I'm no longer welcome here. I sincerely pray you all will be saved
Salvezza Salvezza
and I wasn't insinuating your mind and body, but the homosexuals. And by you not believing in God, that's the devil himself lieing to you whispering there is no God. I chalenge you all to seek God with your whole heart, and ask God to show you the truth
marcoballistic marcoballistic
that is it right there, and why this argument is flawed as there will be no conclusion. It is what 'you believe', versus what we believe. We all have choices, and each should be respected. I have opinions as do you, and anyone else Sal...
marcoballistic marcoballistic
...but I respect your choices and opinions, does not mean we are all going to agree, welcome to the human condition. And I for one do not wish you to leave. Just because people argue or think different things does not mean people have to leave...
marcoballistic marcoballistic
... I mean if that was true I would have left a very long time ago. But you take other people opinions and views on board, and it makes a more whole you. Do not leave Sal, I see no reason for that. Surely if you do, you are letting you values down...
marcoballistic marcoballistic
... final point, I disagree with what you say, as I choose to believe different, and also allow myself to listen to wider and more diverse views, so I can make more overall conclusions hopefully, and you chose to believe the way you chose...
marcoballistic marcoballistic
... the main fact for the size of this discussion is how hurtful you views were conveyed. Maybe just think about that. I don't know, I certainly would not be happy if I had hurt some one due to expression of a view. Anyways, so much has been said...
marcoballistic marcoballistic
... very little has been achieved by it. Think we should all just respect each has differing views, and get along like we were prior to all this.
nat_g31 nat_g31
Sal, I think you deciding to leave based on this is ludicrous. Everyone in this discussion is very open minded. WE accept you for what you are, even if your beliefs are a bit narrow minded.
nat_g31 nat_g31
I think Marco using the word "flexible" is key. For instance, the 10 commandments is old thinking in an old world written by men who, at that time, thought it was important. The bottom line is... There are so many intepretation of the bible and it's
nat_g31 nat_g31
contents, how can you be sure that your'res is right? Enough, I say you are still welcome and shouldn't go anywhere but what you do is up to you. Oh yeah, my first 2nd place! THANKS EVERYONE!!!
Mir Mir
Congrats!!!! On your first 2nd place! I think this will be remembered!! Thanks for being so generous and letting us all rant on and on your entry. Nice piece worthy of huge discussions as one can see. Well done nat.
nat_g31 nat_g31
Thanks MIR!
mike.b. mike.b.
grats on 2nd ..holy hell its comment yes baileys is fu#%ing YUMMMMMY especially when mixed with some buttershots and a lil crown royal. your daughter has a beautiful name:)
nat_g31 nat_g31
Thanks Mike. I will have to try that recipe. I love it in coffee!
candron candron
almost next time a winner, congrats great sec place
marcoballistic marcoballistic
Nathan I want to thank you for creating an image that incited such debate. And apologise for using your comments box for that debate. Now however, I do not think those concerned will ever forget when you received your first entry to place.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
All the congrats in the world to you on this 2nd bud. Your first win is not far away :o)
nat_g31 nat_g31
Thanks Marco. Means a lot coming from you!
congrats nathan.... when i left of here it was at 44 comments or so... so this is to grat you on your 2nd place... i'll have to come back and read the rest of the saga in a few lol ;)
nat_g31 nat_g31
Thanks Matt! Great saga, just an innocent debate, no big dealio. Thanks for the congrats. I appreciate that you have been there since day 1 supporting me.
Claf Claf
Ohhhhw! We can talk about narrow minded here... haaaw those religious fundamentalists... :-(
Claf Claf
Congrats for your 2nd place nat! :)
nat_g31 nat_g31
Thanks Claf
Salvezza Salvezza
Narrow mimded I am not. For broad is the way to destruction and narrow is the way to holiness. Of course this is proof the Bible is true. For men preder the broad way that leads to destruction, sin, they love sin more than they love the holiness of God.
Salvezza Salvezza
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
nat_g31 nat_g31
LOL DP! Ooops 90. . .
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
This chop is extremely offensive. I mean NIKE?!?! Where's the equal expression or Reebok and Addidas? Or Keds for that matter? Converse? Come on! You're clearly biased to Nike. I'm so disgusted. ;)
nat_g31 nat_g31
LOL @ Tofu
marcoballistic marcoballistic
93 comments woooo
marcoballistic marcoballistic
just re-read this, funny old world we live in hey...
marcoballistic marcoballistic
95 comments ;o)
nat_g31 nat_g31
Damn Marco. lol How many are your's? HEE HEE

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 Gay Rights Parade
by nat_g31
Created August 16, 2008
42 votes   96 comments
1280w x 960h (431KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  1
execution  3
humor  1
idea  4
theme  3

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