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Same but Different Time
Same but Different Time

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annajon annajon
Wiz Wiz
"Nice comp!"
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
Persuader Persuader
wooooop wooooop :)
malnsk malnsk
Stewie4lb Stewie4lb
Tarmac Tarmac
Stack smoke is always black (soot), piston exhaust near the wheels is white (steam), but if this is a toy, which it is, most toy engines used to throw out vaporized water as a special effect, so this perfect in every way. I love it. Its been fav'd.
UntExp UntExp
Cartoon Contractor Cartoon Contractor
Cool! I like the Tiger too!
anabe anabe
same idea vote
gsenthil gsenthil
looks good
Granulated Granulated
nat_g31 nat_g31
Cool Marco, just a preference thing but the tiger seems a bit big to me. Everything else sits just right though!
ece ece
novartistas novartistas
mike.b. mike.b.
Tonto Tonto
top shelf
Beckie_Banks Beckie_Banks
mikey mikey
heck ya! :)
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
Nice, Mark, but I think the tiger can go.
this is nice mark ;)
caradeu caradeu
waiswashere waiswashere
pollyO pollyO
Mel47 Mel47
so wheres the tiger going? love the smoke effect
Martrex Martrex
TheShaman TheShaman
nunosk8 nunosk8
jemenet jemenet
Mousew/purpl Mousew/purpl
whats w/ the GIGANTIC tiger
monuril84 monuril84
bigbuck bigbuck
Mir Mir
max&roro max&roro
Dead Man Dead Man
Fetamin Fetamin
Queen La Tiff Queen La Tiff
love the tiger.
Serps Serps
StephenBif StephenBif
smee smee
yello_piggy yello_piggy
mmmmh, smoked tiger!
Soze Soze
solaris80 solaris80
greeneyes greeneyes
infected infected


rockyjob rockyjob
Why is the tiger and cariage so blured? makes no sense. The source is barely used here from what I see. Whats up with the desaturation?!! The only thing i'll give you credit for is the smoke. I don't mean to turn you down but nothing makes much sense.
Tarmac Tarmac
I disagree R.J. I went over this image this morning with a fine tooth, and from what I can see, over 75% of this image is from the original source. Only the engine, the cars and the toy tiger appear to be external. And as for it not making sense. ...
Tarmac Tarmac
It makes perfect sense, that is to me. Its a model toy engine locomoting through a scale model diorama. And it looks perfectly real as though I took the photo myself. Even down to the depth of field blur. It makes complete sense to me. Just my 2 bits.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
I matched the blur, and the tiger is a visual gag as its a toy in the model carriage, hence why it is quite big. And no source use????
rockyjob rockyjob
By no source I meant very little source manipulated, of course.
rockyjob rockyjob
Tarmac wrote: "It makes perfect sense, that is to me. Its a model toy engine locomoting through a scale model diorama. And it looks perfectly real as though I took the photo myself." Dude!!! Seriously, just think a little... you're describing the scen
rockyjob rockyjob
scenery!!!!! I obviously meant the elements of the chop. Focal blur, blured tiger, ect...... Firstly tarmac why is the image be so photorealistic, in your opinion? Why is this image have so much more focal blur than the original? Could you please explain?
rockyjob rockyjob
Why is it so desaturated??? Is the source that desaturated? NO. So Tarmac, could you please, think and analyze things a bit more before you wrongly defend people from critics? A critique is a critique and it's made to better someones work...
rockyjob rockyjob
I've tried saying it nicely to mark in the past but he just doesn't listen or care at all, he always has an excuse for this and that, and that makes people think he's a pro and never makes mistakes so they admire him, just like you do.
rockyjob rockyjob
Dont get me wrong, marks a great guy... and i'm not saying I hate him, He's nice, suportive, funny... Just a bit stubborn ;P
marcoballistic marcoballistic
so basically what you are saying is you do not get it, and because it is not done in a way you 'get' or care for, I should always listen to you, have no plain of though for my work at all, and you are always correct...
marcoballistic marcoballistic
...have your opinion Rocky fair enough, more the merrier. but if you do not get something, do not announce you never get listened to. I have my ways of doing things, I nearly always have a reason for doing something a certain way...
marcoballistic marcoballistic
... I have updated work in regards to what you and others have said... but that does not mean I always will.
rockyjob rockyjob
Alrighty fair enough, for now.... ;)
marcoballistic marcoballistic
plus as you wish to know, the desaturation colour adjustment and tonal range is to depict the by gone age in which the steam engine was from, a reference to a different era from the tram cars of the original image....
marcoballistic marcoballistic
...A calmer, softer look, for an more relaxed period in time. That, was my intention and though process behind it, not just a random use of image editing ;o)
marcoballistic marcoballistic
& the tiger is light relief, to illustrate more so the model size of the piece, as if it was a real scene, the tiger would be classes as huge, in this instance it looks oversized, but is a toy, like the train. So they share their world as they are meant..
Tarmac Tarmac
Rockyjob, I remained polite when I disagreed with your opinion of Mark's work, and I even went so far as to explain to you the whys behind my own opinion. However, choosing to mangle your own original words into something you didn't actually say, ..
Tarmac Tarmac
makes you look rather foolish in the effort. My critique for you and advise in teaching others, is to focus more of your energy on eliminating your own fuzzy thinking and sloppy critique skills ...
Tarmac Tarmac
before you chose to put your name behind such, in front of 33 others who disagree with you.
rockyjob rockyjob
Again I'm not trying to make any enemies here tarmac, here's a link with more than 36 agaisnt the critiquer It's just a matter of opinion tarmac ;)
marcoballistic marcoballistic
actually that was about 5 people against me, and against is the wrong word, and I updated that image several times. The comments section turned into a cool running visual joke, not nit picking and such
marcoballistic marcoballistic
Rocky does not feel this image and has issues with it, that is cool, I happen to not agree, or warrant the points strong enough to make any alterations, as I see nothing to alter. Thanks for your support Tmac by the way, and your view is respected too..
marcoballistic marcoballistic
...I think the problem here has come from Tmacs opinion being disregarded almost by Rocky, which is great for debate, but unfortunately I see it as a little churlish to knock an opinion, based on such a personal preference as Rocky's opinion is....
marcoballistic marcoballistic
...everyone is allowed their own thinking on what they see. The 1's that truly learn are the 1's who listen to all sides. Mistaken or otherwise. Anyway, Tmac like this, Rocky does not, & Im perfectly happy with both it & all opinions rendered toward it
Tarmac Tarmac
R.J., my bias in all this meaningless squabbling is, that I have a love/hate relationship with two real locomotives everyday. I've also been around enough scale modelers and their hobby to know it rather well. And I take a lot of lousy,
Tarmac Tarmac
out of focus photographs. Tons of them actually. Here are two I took just yesterday. ... my point is, from my life's perspective I just can't see the blaring flaws in Mark's piece that you seemed to have picked up on.
whySOserious whySOserious
no way,Ove seen it on google!
marcoballistic marcoballistic
I said the engine is external, qite a bit done to get this right in scene though

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 Same but Different Time
by marcoballistic
Created August 23, 2008
47 votes   29 comments
880w x 960h (160KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  1
execution  11
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