I've never animated with reflections before so I figured I'd give it a go. |
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Shaman, I didn't know how I would make it move. I'm not sure exactly what the displacement map does so it's difficult for me to understand how to manipulate it for my purposes. I'll figure it out one day. Just letting you know I didn't not think abou
its cool Pot. I completely understand brother. making clouds & water move are major pain in the butts. Thus the reason I normally keep them out of my gifs. I still think the boy's movement was completely worth my vote. Keep up the great work Cheers!
I can't actually vote yet, but if I could, it would be for this. The only thing that bothers me, aside from the aforementioned reflected clouds and water is that when the club swings through, its upside down at the end
Golf Pro GIF
by PotHed
Created January 14, 2009
32 votes
550w x 440h (185KB)
Voting Qualities
authenticity |
0 |
execution |
6 |
humor |
1 |
idea |
2 |
theme |
0 |
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