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Photoshop Contest Entry #21406

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dannynic dannynic
Wett Wett
reminds me of a migraine, nice job
thbeghin thbeghin
no comment to add ;-)
scrolbar scrolbar
Hell, I like it!
xovlov xovlov
nice and toastie
mezopunk mezopunk
"...i fell into a burn'n ring of fire..." very impressive!
bluefist bluefist
...see comment
L@rue L@rue
Nice effect well done
kmonkey kmonkey
Great job, my effort fails miserably in comparison.
ashby ashby
This is my first vote. ever. This just looks cool.
occecid occecid
Nice Job
dewking dewking
may as well vote early.. i know i'll vote for this later anyway.
Hellekro Hellekro
That's neat!
Pelau Pelau
Wonderful electrical effects
steeev steeev
frying tonight
apollo13 apollo13
Fantastic! I can almost smell the ozone. Too bad you did this on the day Hellkro hit it dead on. This would win otherwise. ;)
leif leif
lockfist lockfist
really cool
16ozBud 16ozBud
By-Tor By-Tor
That's gotta hurt.
Chukn8r Chukn8r
chrispis chrispis
kinda obvious, but great execution, perfect!
Obernik Obernik
very nice
jerry717 jerry717
Shocking (you're not even giving me a chance ;-)
kencd7 kencd7
Wingnut Wingnut
Well done
beefhead beefhead
Looks good.


optimize optimize
Sweet. I can't vote yet, but this would get one from me...
dewking dewking
nice! I was thinking this.. but i know i couldnt do it as well...
bluefist bluefist
Looks real good.
rockyx2 rockyx2
dewking dewking
ok.. so how did you make the nice lightning?
alzeke alzeke
ok, there are two different piece, the fire and the lighting. To make the fire, on a white background, use Render-Clouds. Then hit it with Render-Lighting Effects. Use Omni and an orange for the intensity and red for the properties. then hit it with B
alzeke alzeke
and if i could spell, you could understand that :)
quote: ok, there are two different piece, the fire and the lighting. To make the fire, on a white background, use Render-Clouds. Then hit it with Render-Lighting Effects. Use Omni and an orange for the intensity and red for the properties. then hit it wit

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by alzeke
Created March 11, 2003
27 votes   8 comments
w x h (8,640KB)

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