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Photoshop Contest Entry #26434

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Wingnut Wingnut
I'm voting for Phil because I think he understands the basic idea pf better than the vocal majority. This site is (at least in my opinion) about HAVING FUN, not stressing out. I will go out on a limb and say that this submission (although poorly done) made me laugh more than any other, and therefore deserves a vote. I've been on this sit off an on longer than most of you, soy flame away, I can take the heat!!!


dewking dewking
another great post. Quality is your stong point!
Phil Phil
thanks, sugar
dewking dewking
no problem camel lips.
Phil Phil
ha, what a fag. camel lips? you can do better than that my little bitch.
dewking dewking
sorry, i was trying to puta s much effort into my comments as you did in your post.
Phil Phil
remember, we do it for the laughs, not the votes.
dewking dewking
keep telling yourself that... why not try if you dont care about votes? This site is based on a contest format where photos are voted on. Fark is "for fun".
Phil Phil
ha, you are so lame. my god, pull the stick out of your ass and relax, if your shit is that great, why arent you #1?
dewking dewking
lame... wow, theres an 80's flashback. last i checked, i was still in the top 10 in the HOF... where are you? oh thats right, you dont care about votes, or posting quality images. Your a proud farker.
dewking dewking
nice pm
Rnswiths Rnswiths
What in the world is wrong with Jondrson's arm? I'll have to have my youngest cat fix your pic to look more real. hehe
Wingnut Wingnut
dewking... So let me get this straight, you are NOT here to have fun? You and a few others are here for the CONTEST aspect of this site? And what if you win the contest, what does that get you? A gold star? An "attaboy?" Money? Fame? I'll tell you what y
Showcase Showcase
phil, if your not doing it for votes then why post them here. Post them in a yahoo or msn group and let people know where they are.
that way dew's not pissing about the "fun" posts and you're not pissin about dew. Won't that be nice!
kencd7 kencd7
....but back to the arm thing...that arm is FUCKED UP! it's about to fall out of the socket.
Wingnut Wingnut
kencd7... So what you are saying is EVERYTHING posted to MUST look realistic in order to receive votes? Take a look at nancers' post today. Right now it's winning with 8 votes, but there is NO WAY IN HELL that the guy can fit into a drinki
DrDoodle DrDoodle
wing, do you honestly feel this should be in the same class as nancers? If you do, you're nuts! At least nancers made an effort (using her imagination) to make it look like it was possible.

It's not that the arm is long, it's that it's long and p
DrDoodle DrDoodle
wing, have fun in an MSN or yahoo group and chaulk it up to whatever you want whenever you want!
kencd7 kencd7
I think I'm saying...that arm is FUCKED UP! it's about to fall out of the socket.
Phil Phil
okay, since this is a contest site, what do you win?
Wingnut Wingnut
DrDoolittle, first, I don't know what I said to you, but since you see fit to respont to me, I'll do the same for you. Don't YOU see what Phil is doing here? This post IS A JOKE, a JAB, a POKE at someone else. Phil never intended to win with this, or eve
Phil Phil
the arm isnt the only thing fuck up in here kencd7, you get that one dont you?
DrDoodle DrDoodle
first phil,'s fun to get votes! That's what we all want, votes!

wing, all I'm saying is post jokes in the test area or something! Don't clutter up the board used by posters competing for votes not laughs.
Phil Phil
polishmf, you actually think you'll win the the day votes withtthat fucking GAP ad? what the fuck are you smoking? that MIGHT have taken you all of 2 minutes to think up and design. good job, hack
Wingnut Wingnut
DrD, so you say a funny post cannot win a contest? I always thought humor was a big reason that people DO GET votes? I do understand your point that this may be better placed elsewhere, but then people wouldn't see it.
Phil Phil
no shit dr dickhead. but to cry like girls over something you cant win any real money over is fucking hilarious. what do you win, a vote from another hack you kissed ass from the week before?
DrDoodle DrDoodle
phil, you're a fucking waste of time...end of story
DrDoodle DrDoodle
wing, I never said humor doesn't work, and I know this was a joke, and you know it was a joke, everybody knows it was a joke...we all know this isn't the best place to post a joke that wasn't meant to get votes. This is a voting forum...Is it that hard t
DrDoodle DrDoodle
and now wing, you have to admit that phil, while entitled to "post for fun" in your opinion, is still and ASSHOLE by all other accounts!

Thanks for not getting all adolesant (sp?) in your comments like phil.
Phil Phil
drdoo, if im a waste of time, why are still here? you fucking hack
Wingnut Wingnut
DrD, I understand your point, but I think you are taking THE WHOLE BLOODY THING WAY TOO SERIOUSLY. Phil posts a joke submission and now we have the most discussion in the comments section I have ever seen.
Phil Phil
dont I WIN for the most retarded comments posted for the day?
lockfist lockfist
here is what i have to say: Phil get grimace's dick out of your mouth and do something original Dew - you are right, i am on your side Ken - you are right, that arm IS fucked up!! Wingnuts - Here is the comparison of this post and Nancers Phil's
Phil Phil
lockfist, pull the stick out of your ass. you fucking guys dont win a damn thing on this site. go suck off dew, polishmf,drdoo, showcase,kencd7. why dont you guys find anice little circle and JERK EACH OTHER OFF. then, pat each other on the back for a job
Phil Phil
lockfist, pull the stick out of your ass. you fucking guys dont win a damn thing on this site. go suck off dew, polishmf,drdoo, showcase,kencd7. why dont you guys find anice little circle and JERK EACH OTHER OFF. then, pat each other on the back for a job
Phil Phil
lick my bag, you fucking guys are insane. YOU DONT WIN ANYTHING. and I enjoy this site as much as anyone else. ban me, I'll find a way back in!
fuctape fuctape
"By the way, when you're telling these little stories, here's a good idea:have a point; it makes it so much more interesting for the listener!" Love you ken, love you dew...
kencd7 kencd7
All I said was the arm is fucked up....jeesh ;) Now where is this circle jerk I'm hearing about.
dewking dewking
tussle tussle
jasper jasper
uh, I came for the circle jerk. Did I miss anything?

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 [untitled entry]
by Phil
Created May 19, 2003
1 votes   41 comments
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