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Photoshop Contest Entry #45016

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L@rue L@rue
Great job
Wett Wett
Can I buy 2? :) nice job!
nancers nancers
This is cool
Square Square
A few things: 1) Excellent picture title 2) Excellent work! With the shading it looks completely authentic!
Showcase Showcase
b e a u t i f u are getting pretty good!
MoZub MoZub
jasper jasper
nyxxie nyxxie
ReinMan ReinMan
author (you bastard! :) : I dunt now wat yoor talkin abowt, butt I tink dis is perty good!
tyblubearboy tyblubearboy
I agee wiv da vota abuv luv ;)
ScionShade ScionShade
You should be feeling a lil' proud about this. I hate -flat out hate -introspective art,but this is certainly an exception,Thanx-very nice
fluados fluados
but okay, you get a vote
occecid occecid
Chopper Chopper
Great! Nice description in the comments. I interpreted it completely as you intended, before reading it.
KaBooM KaBooM
heyyou heyyou
the202 the202
Nice work


pshene pshene
Some people's monitors have made the subtlety of the projection on the back wall hard to "get", so I'll give a quick description of this: This is a surreal type of an old "photograph"…one of a bullied childhood. The soccer ball seams form a type of playgr
houdini houdini
i'd vote if i could!
tyblubearboy tyblubearboy
and when i say agee i mean agee ;)
tyblubearboy tyblubearboy
Is that the new psc vote whoring torture device ? ;)
pshene pshene
lol @ Ty
fluados fluados
i tought it had to do with child labour. little kids that have to make fooballs all day for fitty cents
Square Square
Conceptually, the best I've seen from you. For that matter, the execution is outstanding as well.
pshene pshene
Wow, thank you Square...I appreciate it

 Soccer Anyone?
Soccer Anyone? zoom

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 [untitled entry]
by pshene
Created January 20, 2004
18 votes   8 comments
w x h (8,640KB)

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