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Photoshop Contest Entry #47519

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angie69 angie69
: )
nancers nancers
Unique idea!
stl7dust stl7dust
better :)
Serps Serps
Very nice
Rondo Rondo
dewking dewking
ironmc43 ironmc43
KaBooM KaBooM
I like it a lot. But from having a buddy that was like a damn "Yo-Yo Champion, when we were kids, and being able to do quite a few tricks myself, the yo-yo string typically goes on the first part of the middle finger:) Nice job!
nyxxie nyxxie
this is unique. nice job.
supak0ma supak0ma
misterP misterP
madvoodo madvoodo
BigBobby BigBobby
tjsnaps tjsnaps
MoZub MoZub
queen0fbats queen0fbats
joelfreeman joelfreeman
hate it
fzwarkatootl fzwarkatootl
HandToolUK HandToolUK


stl7dust stl7dust
cool yo yo .. but i dont like how the legs are cut off.. should have made them all the way down..or move the yo yo up some..
EddyG EddyG
Completely agree. I Fixed it.
EddyG EddyG
#8 - I hear you, but she's hot dog'n it. Showing off her multi-finger skills ;)
nancers nancers
Good reply author! ; )
KaBooM KaBooM
lol:) Multifinger skillz:)
littleR littleR
super! glad you matched the color to her shirt! wish I could vote

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 [untitled entry]
by EddyG
Created February 26, 2004
19 votes   6 comments
w x h (8,620KB)

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