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Zetape Zetape
Square Square
This is excellent! You even got the shadows in there, too! Best GIF I've seen around here.
jerry717 jerry717
One of the best gif's I've seen at this site.
Tore Tore
kamera kamera
Rondo Rondo
nancers nancers
flyman flyman
nice gif
babyface42 babyface42
WOW That rocks !
Stability Stability
great gif !!!
16ozBud 16ozBud
y'know when posting from msn, if you leave out the question mark and everything after, it doesn't force the pic to reload everytime the page is opened. Saving bandwidth and promoting truth and justice for all. well, maybe just the first part....
Frenz Frenz
Hanzeeg72 Hanzeeg72
bluefist bluefist
Not bad.
DLowrie DLowrie
Serps Serps
billtvshow billtvshow
fantastic, lots lots of work in this, some really good attention to detail with the windows in back of the moving train
Doodler! Doodler!
Wett Wett
lirimaer lirimaer
ScionShade ScionShade
Can we maybe get a link to the Un-optimzed version?cool motion
Chopper Chopper
Good job.
luny luny
great job
nyxxie nyxxie
dewking dewking
Sorry, this should have been in the vote box: Wow, i think this is a great post... and i didnt even COMMENT on the optimization of this one... i usually leave gifs alone... Great post. Oh, and its only a comment... stop taking things so damn seriously. Ignore it if you dont want to optimize, it makes no difference to me, just what i do.
ReinMan ReinMan
good giffing :)
queen0fbats queen0fbats
very well done .... only flaw are the last 2 frames where it pixelates a lot ... but dont ask me how to avoid it ... i wouldnt have a clue
sonnysan sonnysan
occecid occecid
(comment? no.)
deshone deshone
HandToolUK HandToolUK
This is great! Maybe scaling down and making the original the front train instead of scaling up for the front one would have helped to prevent some of the quality loss and all the complaints about file size BUT this is still cool. (And anyway, you'd probably have got people complaining the GIF was too small then! You can't win with GIFs so best to just do it WELL - like THIS! :D )


Fugue Fugue
Excellent perspective! Bravo!
Nice one, but question: where's the thing on the roof that give's the train power?
dewking dewking
Fugue Fugue
Hooray for GIF's!
big job, cool size.
nekro nekro
i don't know what's so "excellent"? i don't like the way you made the train in motion, it's too blury and too "dirty". mo
splodge splodge
nekro i'm sorry i disappointed you, i lost a lot of quality optimizing from 900 kb, to 350kb, i will try harder next time
ScionShade ScionShade
Dear Author , I would much rather have seen the larger file, this is about quality images NOT tiny ones and I am amazed that so many are bending over backwards just to make Dewking happy, well Dew just cost You My vote likely, Not to be mean, everyone is
Leviathan Leviathan
I wish I could vote for this but alas I can not.
goodfella goodfella
damn somepeople just don't have time to vote or write long novels in comments posts.
ScionShade ScionShade
LOl sorry about the novel,maybe I should copy and paste it on thirty images a day like Dew does :-) HA! This image is really cool though, guess I might wanna vote for it.
Fugue Fugue
Dewking is doing good work - a lot of us agree with him. Optimisation has nothing to do with blurriness in the image. Animated GIF's optimise colour, not detail. There's nothing blurry in the background. The blurriness of the animated train comes from enl
Fugue Fugue
Oh, and nekro is a jerk who should be ignored, even if he does sleep with dead people.
splodge splodge
what dewking dont seem to realise is this is stored on msn, not psc, and does not rob bandwidth from this site. i'm afraid i did'nt save this pic B4 i optimized it, you'll have to imagine it in all it's technicolor glory :) you are wrong fuque, opting
ScionShade ScionShade
Optimisation has nothing to do with blurriness in the image.--WHAT?? Where the ***** do You ythink that trolly got the grey front end from? You think this guy decided to paint it that way?
dewking dewking
Wow, i think this is a great post... and i didnt even COMMENT on the optimization of this one... i usually leave gifs alone... Great post. Oh, and its only a comment... stop taking things so damn seriously. Ignore it if you dont want to optimize, it makes
dewking dewking
and its still a bandwidth issue, aside from where its hosted. Its also just good practice in general. See the @dewking topic on the message board if you have questions.
16ozBud 16ozBud
I demand a 200KB limit size on all posts, Maybe JMH can work this feature into the code. There is a height and width limit there should also be a Kb limit.
16ozBud 16ozBud
I demand a 200KB limit size on all posts, Maybe JMH can work this feature into the code. There is a height and width limit there should also be a Kb limit.
dewking dewking
who said that? I know it wasnt dew... because.. thats me. Not sure I would agree there... then again, maybe i would..
dewking dewking
ive only voted for about 5 gifs since ive been here, this one id actually vote for twice if i could... i am truly impressed... and the change in color clarity does not take away from this image.
Fugue Fugue
When you say blurry, I would have thought you're talking about detail not colours. Of course it makes a difference to colour. It's still the enlarging that is causing the blurriness.
nekro nekro
anyway, my oppinion is that you, author, still can change it a bit this post..but, just my oppinion, ignore it if you wish :)
splodge splodge
woo hoo, my very own thread :)
Fugue Fugue
A little blurriness is okay to have in fast-motion like this anayway

 Mountain Transport
Mountain Transport zoom

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by splodge
Created March 24, 2004
33 votes   25 comments
550w x 394h (66KB)

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