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Crispy Crispy
EvilTigr EvilTigr
Safe to say this is today's winner.
deshone deshone
excellent work
Lrossa Lrossa
kamera kamera
misterP misterP
Unbelievable! This is way too good!
occecid occecid
This is the best puzzle picture i've seen postd on this site. Excellent job.
Robaccomando Robaccomando
the sky must be a pain. Nice image!
leif leif
puzzle pics have been done before.... but never this good.exelent work on the shadows
jsolimeo jsolimeo
Yage Yage
supak0ma supak0ma
you are very good, old one ;)
Michel Michel
There are 3 puzzle pieces missing from the table. Maybe they're under that paper cloth... ;¬)
sonnysan sonnysan
scatterd scatterd
flondo flondo
malcinbl malcinbl
this is quality!
wittekoppeke wittekoppeke
fzwarkatootl fzwarkatootl
well done.
angie69 angie69
: )
billtvshow billtvshow
i like a good hard piece of work
bluefist bluefist
This procedure....the puzzle....not hard at all. What you DID with the editing on the picture to make it look seamless with the environment.....Top Notch! Way to go.
gravyboat gravyboat
Are you a computer or something? Hw could a human do this? This is just awesome.
danman danman
Deserves a voe! Good work!
nyxxie nyxxie
Rondo Rondo
Gooey Gooey
3rian 3rian
the source really helped me want to vote more
DoctorWu DoctorWu
Roger likes it
16ozBud 16ozBud
Raysc Raysc
very nice work!!!!!!
zasad zasad
Serps Serps
AntiAnthrax AntiAnthrax


Crispy Crispy
yo voter nr.2: I just started with my pic, so it's unsafe to say :p
relax relax
Michel Michel
How can a plain window cast such a shadow? Just wondering...
arcaico arcaico
it´s not a plain window... the right window is just like the left window, but it´s open...
arcaico arcaico
hehehe... actually, the pieces really fit in the image... and they´re all visible... 17 pieces... :)
Crispy Crispy
just a simple overlay.. :S
Zzzoey Zzzoey
I'd like to see the box for it nearby...
mayra_lila mayra_lila
Nãssa... isso é brutal, cara!!! Parabéns, parabéns, e parabéns, vc manja muito!!!! entra no meu flog /mayra_lila.. tenho até vergonha de mostrar pq sou nada diante dos seus trabalhos!!! Parabéns, parabéns, parabéns!!!
arcaico arcaico
hehe Neat... didn´t think about the box... it would be cool! ;)
Damasceno Damasceno
Certaily the best one!
danman danman
What I would like to see is the source for the background!
arcaico arcaico
no problem danman... here it goes:
arcaico arcaico
it's the 9th image...
geekdiggy geekdiggy
dammit this is really good
arcaico arcaico
thanks... :)
Bababooey Bababooey
It's almost there
BBoiSty0 BBoiSty0
OMFG... Bows down...
kreider88 kreider88
How did you do the puzzle effect?
arcaico arcaico
kreider, I don´t think I have space in here to comment all the steps I went through to get the puzzle effect... sorry... :P
pikkon1 pikkon1
DAMN 8-0 ...WOW..way outta my i hope l8r on i can b like u..dis iz very good
kamera kamera
when in a puzzle

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by arcaico
Created May 06, 2004
34 votes   21 comments
500w x 306h (60KB)

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