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Car Quarter
Car Quarter

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Janitor Janitor
Very nice!
deshone deshone
excellent thinking
Frenzy Frenzy
Great thinking !
billtvshow billtvshow
That is flat out TRU
maddhax0r maddhax0r
hah - i like it
parker parker
this is REALLY good.
pietjepuk pietjepuk
mmm creative vote
robbie42 robbie42
velocity velocity
Good eye. Best idea I've seen in a while.
arcaico arcaico
tou should quit the drugs dude... holly shit!!!
charpentier charpentier
Hanzeeg72 Hanzeeg72
This is what I saw too. You did a great job!
DLowrie DLowrie
speedial speedial
Patre Patre
3rian 3rian
nice eye
ReinMan ReinMan
A Greatly Seen & Chopped chop! :D
MoZub MoZub
I had to have someone tell me what it was, but once I saw it.... BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!
the202 the202
Crispy Crispy
nancers nancers
It took me a minute, but when I saw it, I went OHhhhhhh yeaaaaaaaaaa.... well done!
thbeghin thbeghin
totally taken by surprise! :-D
TieRackk TieRackk
holy cow, I was looking at this for 5 minutes and couldnt see it, I switched to another window and switched back and there it was!
bluefist bluefist
lostagain lostagain
sonnysan sonnysan
genius !
Serps Serps
Euso Euso
O_O Whoa.
zetspat zetspat
Brilliant, Great Eye, excellent concept and beautiful outcome.
supak0ma supak0ma
what they said ;)
Wow-- outstanding!
tyblubearboy tyblubearboy
classic manipulation :)
nyxxie nyxxie
dbbowling dbbowling
bar none...the best one! :)
chrispis chrispis
> WHOAAAAA, superb!!!
bollandfan32 bollandfan32
so good that it took me a couple of seconds to see it.
leif leif
coolest post EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111
Bic9000 Bic9000
All of the above :)
serious serious
jasper jasper
this is what i saw as well - wish i had the time to chop it - glad someone did.
holysmak holysmak
Gort Gort
batichan batichan
awesome work
splodge splodge
KaBooM KaBooM
L@rue L@rue
Square Square
Absolutely amazing!!!!!
kukrapok kukrapok
missrobin74 missrobin74
ScionShade ScionShade
This is only the second vote I have given out in the last six weeks.Incredible perception.My vote for best post of the year to date.Thank you AUTHOR!!!!! :-I
Scooter Scooter
eez only a kar... geez yoo all never sean a kar befour? you all get amoosed eezylee!
beefhead beefhead
I erroneously thought I knew what it was from the thumbnail, so when I saw it full size it took me a second to get it. The features on the ground and in the cockpit work so well as dings and dirt. That, plus keeping it at the same angle really sell it. Nicely done.
j-elzic j-elzic
....this is fantastic!
enchantress enchantress
terraform terraform
trick photography vote!
Tibit Tibit
Very nice.. this was done with alot of skill..
jsolimeo jsolimeo I just couldn't see it, and now I can't turn it off. great work.
BxNapkiN BxNapkiN
klavrack klavrack
Brent Brent
Chukn8r Chukn8r
dewking dewking
jerico jerico
This is quite simply the most brilliant chop I have ever seen done here...
AtHeaMo AtHeaMo
This chop sucks! :-D
Snapplelush Snapplelush
Now that's thinking outside the cockpit........
hellraiser hellraiser
cnarf cnarf
claudiolky claudiolky
I have only one word for this job... fantastic!!!!!!
theplague theplague
If it's your first try at this contest, don't post anymore... and you'll have the highest VPP ever !!! :]
$umo $umo
qqqqq qqqqq
16ozBud 16ozBud
Terminator! Terminator!
Heck, once you hit 73, I might as well make it 74. Good Eye!
scrolbar scrolbar
simply brilliant
dispuut dispuut
anfa anfa
HKlevjer HKlevjer
irishstu irishstu
Well, it's all been said already, but I just wanted to say that this is the best pic I've seen here for a long time, if not ever. Having just won a 'recent' post, I was feeling very happy with myself, but comparing it to THIS, well... truth be told I feel amateurish. Well done! (b*stard ;))
HandToolUK HandToolUK
Oh alright then, I suppose I'll vote for this. *sigh* (Heh.) ;)
KahRayZee KahRayZee
gotone gotone
txpinky txpinky
Great thinking, the best in ages!!!
volkswes volkswes
It's only right that I give you #84
styson styson
Holy cow that is a good eye!
Zingaro Zingaro
symple and awesome......what else?RECORD!!!!!!!!!
Azionite Azionite
Ahh what the heck.. why not be part of history! Great post, by the way!


badcop badcop
i have no clue what I'm looking at and it's driving me craaaazy! someone splain pleez?
badcop badcop
i have no clue what I'm looking at and it's driving me craaaazy! someone splain pleez?
ReinMan ReinMan
A Clue: car fender from jet-fighter cockpit
3rian 3rian
must be a car from NC due to the inspection sticker on the window.
billtvshow billtvshow
my nc inspection sitcker is yellow, its odd you mention it cause i got inspected like 45 minutes ago
YerPalAl YerPalAl
billtvshow billtvshow
but yeah i think ive seen that one too in nc, must be a poster from nc like ypa
billtvshow billtvshow
This is just great, I can't hold it back.
badcop badcop
I can't believe I didn't get this the first time. nice work :)
YerPalAl YerPalAl
Thank you
ArtVandelay ArtVandelay
holy shit thats good- but i cant vote
velocity velocity
What's the record for votes on Day1???
Square Square
starbrite starbrite
wow! I wish I could vote cuz this is primo!
ckanand ckanand
Simply Amazing work.. probably the best, and most creative I have ever seen. I envy your mind dude.. Too good.. You deserve all the votes... Wish I could vote.. I would...
chrispis chrispis
> I can't get enough of this,... congrats on creating the most orginal solution ever created here!
proximo_93 proximo_93
WOAW, brillant
billtvshow billtvshow
60! This proves that the power of a fantastic idea coupled with a good chop still pulls in votes around here, no matter who it is.
Alex Alex
That's amazing! It looks like this pic was meant to be tricked like that. It reminds me this one...
psc_lover psc_lover
claudiolky claudiolky
YerPalAl YerPalAl
Voter #70 that is very funny
billtvshow billtvshow
entered into legend now, 70!
EminenceGrey EminenceGrey
holy trompe l'oeil, batman!
chrispis chrispis
>and another comment from me,... the first thing a colleague of mine saw in the orginal was a car too,... he should sign up too :D
szfak szfak
Yeah, it's really great, by the way you have so many to read (votes, comments) :)
What's the record for most votes for one post? This has to have beaten it, or at least come close??
psc_lover psc_lover
WOW... 80 votes ... will it reach 100? Major props to the author for this one!
swimmer21 swimmer21
gotone gotone
billtvshow billtvshow
84 is the record by volkswes, 2 votes away as i am writing this.
volkswes volkswes
Good Job
szfak szfak
this is that picture:
YerPalAl YerPalAl
Just for the record, Volkswes is a fine gentleman
ReinMan ReinMan
styson styson
Wow I didn't know my vote was that big a deal, but I guess i pushed you over the top?
ReinMan ReinMan
NEW RECORD! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! (see, miracles DO happen here at PSC! :)
YerPalAl YerPalAl
Thank you all. The official thank you will be posted tomorrow.
missrobin74 missrobin74
CONGRATULATIONS on the highest number of votes!! That's AWESOME! Totally deserved.
Square Square
I absolutely, definately, wholeheartedly agree with the previous commenter. and might I also add that it's so nice to see the author respond to all this notoriety with such humble appreciation. Really restores my faith in the human species. :^)
mint mint
congratulations! great imagination and picture!
Janitor Janitor
I agree with the 1st voter ;)
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
I wish Al would come back. :-(
Granulated Granulated
malnsk malnsk
crappy midgets, this is fav'd.
Procyon Procyon
this chop is before my time...excellent chop!

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 Car Quarter
by YerPalAl
Created September 24, 2004
86 votes   47 comments
800w x 600h (118KB)

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