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Photoshop Contest Entry #61332
Used Photoshop -surprise! Not a very creative idea, so I added the worm + line. I got the blend by layering a few copies of the head over the bird and experimented with overlaying and opacity. Added eye highlight, stretched the beak, smudged out tongue

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Brent Brent
nice blend
nancers nancers
enchantress enchantress
Patre Patre
Lexi Lexi
nyxxie nyxxie
speedial speedial
PSman PSman
bluefist bluefist
Great job! That's an example of what image editing is about.
supak0ma supak0ma
nice, only thing is the worm being fuzzy
billtvshow billtvshow
Serps Serps
pacoperez pacoperez
anmazondi anmazondi
ironmc43 ironmc43
the worm is week but the rest is good
serious serious
EvilTigr EvilTigr
Chukn8r Chukn8r
JCFarx JCFarx
a Can That Hook Really Peirce That Beek vote
tjsnaps tjsnaps
Hanzeeg72 Hanzeeg72
I had the same idea. great job!
occecid occecid
Blu Blu
anfa anfa
Fucking mint!!
lostagain lostagain
blue_lurker blue_lurker
Square Square
HA! The hook is what makes this so funny!
holysmak holysmak
odelayhombre odelayhombre
this is a vote for a picture on the internet
Alex Alex
Everything's perfect here! I love the background, the idea, the concept, the execution, the creativity, the realism and the fun factor...
Chopper Chopper
OMG, it's not anonymous anymore and this is Fugue's? Everyone start voting somewhere else! Hurry! Just kidding. ;)
Bluesbro Bluesbro
Nice blend, but where did the worm and hook go?
missrobin74 missrobin74
HAHAHAHA I can see you now! na na na na na na ;) Great post... a BIG BIRD of course! lol
YerPalAl YerPalAl
Nice work . . . . even if it IS done in Oz. '-)
Gort Gort
that's really good!
Nuttdriver Nuttdriver
HandToolUK HandToolUK
ScionShade ScionShade
I woulda used a size 8 plain shank hook, not the size 1 bent back,that's why I catch more birds than you do. G'd Luck fishi...errrrrr birding!
alkmin alkmin
FinnishFlash FinnishFlash
Good work...
splodge splodge
mint mint
Nice one, the catching a fish-bird thing is what makes it so good! And Anfa, try to be politically correct ; )
velocity velocity


omni omni
well made
Fugue Fugue
How else do you catch fish-birds? :-) ...Thanks for the comments all - I fixed the worm a bit.
madraven madraven
NShadows NShadows
photostore photostore
nice blend
Fugue Fugue
What the...? Ummm, well welcome to the new site where they're hosting an older version of this entry without the fishing line.
Fugue Fugue
Hey look, there's an edit button. Maybe I should click it..... aha! There now, that's better.
missrobin74 missrobin74
HA! What did you edit??? No fair. Nothing is fair.
Fugue Fugue
Dang! - Never edit your post in future, it puts you back at the end of the queue - on the last contest page!! Hope they fix that. MissRob - there was a fishing line + worm
HandToolUK HandToolUK
Haha! Damn I'm so glad I don't have an entry in an open contest during this site changeover ;)

 Dangerous Fish
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 [untitled entry]
by Fugue
Created November 13, 2004
45 votes   11 comments
550w x 593h (52KB)

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