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Photoshop Contest Entry #61737

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jerry717 jerry717
bluefist bluefist
Politically correct side of me says: Shame on you! Funny bone side of me says: Well done! Vintage spot-ad Dew!
Wett Wett
sides hurtin' vote
mezopunk mezopunk
as stephanie tanner would say..."HOW RUDE!"
scrolbar scrolbar
Turbro is NOT gonna like this!
nancers nancers
Lexi Lexi
HKlevjer HKlevjer
ryco2004 ryco2004
"i'll take two" vote
supak0ma supak0ma
nice job
Serps Serps
Agree with nancers, OMFG
splodge splodge
back in at the deep end dew, nice chop
MoZub MoZub
aww.. the kids call it "the old skool" the shackles on the hand make it.............................
Fugue Fugue
Good composition, copy, logo-work. Love it.
Chopper Chopper
Too funny.
RobMurphy RobMurphy
I think this is clever.
EvilTigr EvilTigr
I agree with Sara...bastard! ;)
Hanzeeg72 Hanzeeg72
Goddamn, how could anyone vote for this?
leif leif
xovlov xovlov
SWEET GEORGIA BROWN! this reminds me of the good old days... of the PSC
billtvshow billtvshow
I basically have to go with blue's comment on this one.
Brent Brent
odelayhombre odelayhombre
Why not change the blades for swastikas while you're at it. Shame on you and shame on all the voters. You're gonna have to sh*t Tiffany cufflinks on your next post to get a vote out of me. The 'shillings' only reinforces my belief in your ignorance. The sad part is that if you had just done a period ad, I might have voted for it. Garbage NON-vote!
blue_lurker blue_lurker
Vote for the chop not the rot
Rondo Rondo
wunderpants wunderpants
The angry folks really should be focusing their rage on real racism, not a funny post on a website. Oops, I think I just discriminated against the self-righteous. Great job, dewking.
the202 the202
Ha! The this post is definitely the right of passage for the new site. Nice one.
siem siem
no comment, btw you really kicked up some dust, agree with wunderpants
enchantress enchantress
YerPalAl YerPalAl
Oh well, might as well go to hell with the rest of my friends here. ;-)
alkmin alkmin
lostagain lostagain


mezopunk mezopunk
CRAP. i totally did not mean to vote for this piece of rascist garbage. you disgust me! you should be ashamed and punished for your WHITE DEVIL actions. stop hating our freedom and repent to the LORD, redbeard!
bluefist bluefist
Come to think of it...Me either!
Sara Sara
This is disgusting. How could any of you vote for this?
Wett Wett
as one of the few truly african american's at this site I cast my vote for the work that was done on this pic and in no way took this as a slam on my jewish heritage, post on my creative brother!
nancers nancers
Dammit! I meant to comment, not vote for this trash. I hate when I do that.
gnikwed gnikwed
I think this should be pulled! Either that, or it should win... ya know.. either one...
Showcase Showcase
you're talking about the image, right dew?
MoZub MoZub
....the hands in the shackle make it RACIST! - COMMENT ONLY! damn this buggy new site.
PSposer PSposer
"He's making a list he's checking it twice, he's gonna find out who's racist or nice. Yoda Clause is coming to voooooooote!"
usamz usamz
Yeah this gets the racist vote. Btw, shillings?
Fugue Fugue
Goddam... I didn't really read this properly! It's horrible! I take back my vote too! Won't someone think of the children!!!... It's better if we all pretend that certain events and attitudes in history never happened, much less make satire of them.
supak0ma supak0ma
slavery happened and it is stupid to try and hide it. good job dew on a totally opposite of racism pic.
RobMurphy RobMurphy
why is this racist?
scrolbar scrolbar
Isn't Dooking a click club member?
dewking dewking
HA HA Thanks to mezo and all the others who helped bring out the "newbie" "this is racist" crowd! I love you all..
HKlevjer HKlevjer
I didn't really look. pull my vote
leif leif
politicaly correctness is SO passe....
xovlov xovlov
dew already thinks I'm either poor, black or both so my vote probably won't be's an OUTRAGE I tell you!
HKlevjer HKlevjer
dewking dewking
Who'd a thought... HK and I would actually laugh at the same thing...
billtvshow billtvshow
yeah, im kind torn on this one, i probably pulled the vote trigger a bit early, this is pushing it pretty good
dewking dewking
LOL odelayhombre :) Its ok bill...
billtvshow billtvshow
I mean i really respect your work past and present dew, it's just a tough issue for me. That tiffany's cufflink comment was pretty darn funny.
dewking dewking
I hear ya Bill... just need to take it with a grain of salt... if you know me, you know im obviously not racist and do not believe in nor promote slavery, abuse, Jesus selling blue jeans, etc... Its not for everyone, but there are some (20+ people with t
Hanzeeg72 Hanzeeg72
What's a Nubian?
wunderpants wunderpants
I think it's the opposite of an Oldbian.
billtvshow billtvshow
Ha! The this post is definitely the right of passage for the new site. Most definitely.
usamz usamz
no one answered my shilling inquiry :(
dewking dewking
billtvshow billtvshow
so is it shilling or schilling?
zetspat zetspat
Regardless of whether or not you are racist, I don't agree with the message that is being brought about by the text. The PS work is nice, but the content sucks. I don't know you, nor do I know your ethnic background, nor all the people who voted with th
dewking dewking
watch Chappelle Show once in a while....

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 [untitled entry]
by dewking
Created November 17, 2004
33 votes   33 comments
550w x 600h (69KB)

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