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Photoshop Contest Entry #63499

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billtvshow billtvshow
thats what you get
a4pawedpal a4pawedpal
Now that's what I'm talkin!!!! LOL!!!
Patre Patre
Nice switch.
blue_lurker blue_lurker
Um can ya expand the image to the left a little...just asking
occecid occecid
This is outstanding. The turned heads are perfect. Looks unaltered. Funny too.
Hanzeeg72 Hanzeeg72
backwards numbers, still a good post.
twaggoner twaggoner
funny, great job
koece koece
enchantress enchantress
supak0ma supak0ma
good one ;)
AcadieMedia AcadieMedia
great work here
lasky lasky
Azionite Azionite
zaiba zaiba
very well done
DLowrie DLowrie
funny :-)
Serps Serps
Very nice
batichan batichan
theduplicate theduplicate
holysmak holysmak
flyman flyman
kopeski kopeski
Bluesbro Bluesbro
Ben needs to keep his mind on business vote
Chukn8r Chukn8r
luny luny
Meggie Meggie
This is so well done and so funny, great job!
Wett Wett
neutura neutura
zetspat zetspat
sidechain sidechain
Thi really is well done. The eye-lines are perfect. It's perfectly obvious what they're looking at and why. :-)
poepie poepie
is the right one going for the ball or the girl???
missrobin74 missrobin74
hehehe... too funny
anmazondi anmazondi
very well done!!
kprincess kprincess
ho0ly ho0ly
thbeghin thbeghin
FinnishFlash FinnishFlash
16ozBud 16ozBud
styson styson
ScionShade ScionShade
I just can not fathom why this is not in first place!! Excellent CHOP--The Definition of the fun chops this place is about. LOVE IT!!!!
Applepoo Applepoo
best of show
irishstu irishstu
Fantastic job!!! Well done. Superb!
YerPalAl YerPalAl
That's going to hurt . . . . .
nancers nancers
gravyboat gravyboat


velocity velocity
billtvshow billtvshow
nice work on building the additional background too
velocity velocity
Blue, you mean you'd rather me crop off the Redskins foot ;-) Here's the link to the original
velocity velocity
Thanks occecid, that means a lot from someone with your expertise.
velocity velocity
This was a fun pic to make. I thought it was a mediocre idea to start with but just started playing with it. I started out cutting the pic in half then switching positions with the two halves. I then smoothed out the seam between the two, reconstructing s
Valdo Valdo
perfect blending foreground/background it's hard to say which one of the pics is the ORIGINAL! congrats!

 Ben Roethlisberger
Ben Roethlisberger zoom

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 [untitled entry]
by velocity
Created December 13, 2004
45 votes   6 comments
550w x 408h (60KB)

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